sympy / sympy_benchmarks

Some benchmarks of SymPy
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Add Riccati ODE solver to dsolve benchmarks #76

Open naveensaigit opened 3 years ago

naveensaigit commented 3 years ago


naveensaigit commented 3 years ago

@oscarbenjamin Some existing tests are failing. I fixed the failure in, but I'm unable to understand the dsolve systems test which is failing. Could you please take a look?

oscarbenjamin commented 3 years ago

Are you asking about this?

    def test_make_ode_01():
        ode, params = _make_ode_01()
        t, y, y0, k = params
        result = dsolve(ode, y[1](t))
        eq_assumption = sympy.Q.is_true(Ne(k[1], k[0]))
        refined = refine(result, eq_assumption)
        ignore = k + y0 + (t,)
>       int_const = [fs for fs in refined.free_symbols if fs not in ignore][0]
E       AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'free_symbols'

benchmarks/tests/ AttributeError

I think that what has happened is that dsolve now returns a list where it previously returned a single Eq.

naveensaigit commented 3 years ago

Are you asking about this?

Yes. Now dsolve returns two solutions and both of them are Piecewise. The expected solution doesn't seem to be equal to either of them.

oscarbenjamin commented 3 years ago

The dsolve change is bisected to from

The previous output was:

In [1]: v = Function('v')

In [2]: t, k0, k1, u0 = symbols('t, k0, k1, u0')

In [3]: eq = Eq(Derivative(v(t), t), k0*u0*exp(-k0*t) - k1*v(t))

In [4]: eq
d                 -k₀⋅t          
──(v(t)) = k₀⋅u₀⋅ℯ      - k₁⋅v(t)

In [5]: dsolve(eq)
       ⎛           ⎛⎧        k₁⋅t                    ⎞⎞       
       ⎜           ⎜⎪      -ℯ                        ⎟⎟       
       ⎜           ⎜⎪───────────────────  for k₀ ≠ k₁⎟⎟  -k₁⋅t
v(t) = ⎜C₁ + k₀⋅u₀⋅⎜⎨    k₀⋅t       k₀⋅t             ⎟⎟⋅ℯ     
       ⎜           ⎜⎪k₀⋅ℯ     - k₁⋅ℯ                 ⎟⎟       
       ⎜           ⎜⎪                                ⎟⎟       
       ⎝           ⎝⎩         t            otherwise ⎠⎠ 

The new output is

In [5]: dsolve(eq)
⎡                                                        ⎧       C₁⋅k₀                 C₁⋅k₁                 k₀⋅u₀                    ⎤
⎢       ⎧    -k₀⋅t            -k₀⋅t                      ⎪─────────────────── - ─────────────────── - ───────────────────  for k₀ ≠ k₁⎥
⎢       ⎪C₁⋅ℯ      + k₀⋅t⋅u₀⋅ℯ       for k₀ = k₁         ⎪    k₁⋅t       k₁⋅t       k₁⋅t       k₁⋅t       k₀⋅t       k₀⋅t             ⎥
⎢v(t) = ⎨                                       , v(t) = ⎨k₀⋅ℯ     - k₁⋅ℯ       k₀⋅ℯ     - k₁⋅ℯ       k₀⋅ℯ     - k₁⋅ℯ                 ⎥
⎢       ⎪           nan               otherwise          ⎪                                                                            ⎥
⎢       ⎩                                                ⎪                              nan                                 otherwise ⎥
⎣                                                        ⎩                                                                            ⎦

This is really just a convoluted way of writing the same thing. If k0 == k1 then the first solution is equal to the corresponding case from the Piecewise and the second solution is nan. If k0 != k1 then it's the other way round. They might look different but they are equivalent e.g.:

In [15]: sol1, sol2 = dsolve(eq)

In [16]: sol2.rhs.args[0][0]
       C₁⋅k₀                 C₁⋅k₁                 k₀⋅u₀       
─────────────────── - ─────────────────── - ───────────────────
    k₁⋅t       k₁⋅t       k₁⋅t       k₁⋅t       k₀⋅t       k₀⋅t
k₀⋅ℯ     - k₁⋅ℯ       k₀⋅ℯ     - k₁⋅ℯ       k₀⋅ℯ     - k₁⋅ℯ    

In [17]: sol2.rhs.args[0][0].collect(Symbol('C1'), cancel)
    -k₁⋅t          k₀⋅u₀       
C₁⋅ℯ      - ───────────────────
                k₀⋅t       k₀⋅t
            k₀⋅ℯ     - k₁⋅ℯ  

Of course the single Piecewise solution is the preferred form so this is a regression. Looks related to the comment here:

oscarbenjamin commented 3 years ago

I'm really not sure why that dsolve example is tested here in the benchmark test suite though.

asmeurer commented 3 years ago

I guess the benchmarks are tested to make sure they don't break, and also so you can run the tests against an older version of SymPy to ensure that the benchmarks actually do benchmark the right thing. The latter case is more important in my opinion. If we want to guard against regressions, we should add the tests to the SymPy test suite. And if the goal is just to be able to check validity of the benchmark, the tests here should be written in a much more generic way. Instead of asserting an exact solution, it should only check that it is mathematically correct, e.g., using checkodesol, or using some sort of numerical consistency checks for non-solver benchmarks where this isn't possible.