synappser / FinderFix

FinderFix lets you resize and reposition Finder windows to your liking
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Spatial Finder / Hide Toolbar for all windows #1

Open notnotjake opened 2 years ago

notnotjake commented 2 years ago

I prefer to use Finder in the "Spatial Finder" paradigm, a la John Siracusa. Basically, I don't want to use the "Browse" mode with a sidebar, but rather each folder is its own window. To get into this mode you hit Option + Command + T (View > Hide Toolbar in Menubar) which hides the Toolbar and Sidebar.

When you do this on a folder, Finder remembers it for that folder, but when you open a new folder (one you've never opened before) it opens with the Toolbar and Sidebar.

So I'd love a feature which enforces 'Hide Toolbar' for any window open. I currently use a Keyboard Maestro macro to do this, but it doesn't work about 5% of the time.

synappser commented 2 years ago

Hi @notnotjake,

The Spatial Finder concept is indeed fascinating; nevertheless, my goal is to give FinderFix the utmost flexibility in order to let it adapt to every user's workflow(s), the Spatial Finder paradigm included.

When AutoRaise, an app dedicated to the focus-follow-mouse functionality, will come out of its current private beta, you'll be able to experiment with another interesting workflow. I actually implemented a very powerful pattern around that functionality to "extend the Desktop".

Now to get back to your request; while in private beta, several similar requests regarding the View settings of Finder emerged. People would like, as a matter of fact, to be able to set the hidden/shown status of any of the Sidebar, Toolbar, Tab, Path and Status Bar permanently.

I postponed the implementation of these requests until now, focusing on the core features of FinderFix. From now on, I will follow a first-in-first-out approach to feature requests. Yours will be thus prioritised. Before I reach that point, I need to make place for more UI elements (for more checkable options). I am therefore dividing the preferences window over several panels (Tab Views).

I am also drawing a list of all the unfulfilled feature requests that emerged from the private beta. I will find a visible spot to display them. I am keeping your feature request's Open status until it is either fulfilled or moved to that list. Thanks

Bellavene commented 1 year ago

You can do this with hammerspoon or similar window manager program. You need to write a script which will disable toolbar on every new finder window.