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[submit smaller txes when over cap] #2758

Open trajan0x opened 2 weeks ago

trajan0x commented 2 weeks ago

parse error and resubmit smaller attempt if over configured cap

greptile-apps[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

To handle the issue of submitting smaller transactions when over the configured cap, follow these steps:

  1. Update Configuration: Add a new configuration option for the maximum transaction size in config.go.
// Config contains configuration for the submitter.
type Config struct {
    // ... existing fields
    MaxTxSize int `yaml:"max_tx_size"`

// GetMaxTxSize returns the maximum transaction size.
func (c *Config) GetMaxTxSize(chainID int) int {
    chainConfig, ok := c.Chains[chainID]
    if ok && chainConfig.MaxTxSize != 0 {
        return chainConfig.MaxTxSize
    return c.MaxTxSize
  1. Check Transaction Size: Modify the SubmitTransaction method in submitter.go to check the transaction size before submission.
func (t *txSubmitterImpl) SubmitTransaction(parentCtx context.Context, chainID *big.Int, call ContractCallType) (nonce uint64, err error) {
    // ... existing code

    tx, err := call(transactor)
    if err != nil {
        return 0, fmt.Errorf("could not call contract: %w", err)

    maxTxSize := t.config.GetMaxTxSize(int(chainID.Uint64()))
    if len(tx.Data()) > maxTxSize {
        return 0, fmt.Errorf("transaction size %d exceeds max size %d", len(tx.Data()), maxTxSize)

    // ... existing code
  1. Handle Resubmission: Implement logic to parse the error and resubmit smaller transactions if the size exceeds the cap.
if len(tx.Data()) > maxTxSize {
    // Logic to split the transaction into smaller parts and resubmit
    // This will depend on the specific contract and transaction type

These changes will ensure that transactions are checked for size before submission and resubmitted in smaller parts if they exceed the configured cap.


/ethergo/submitter/submitter.go /ethergo/submitter/config/config.go /ethergo/submitter /ethergo/submitter/config /ethergo/submitter/db

Ask Greptile

greptile-apps[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

To address the issue of submitting smaller transactions when over the configured cap, follow these steps:

  1. Modify SubmitTransaction Method in submitter.go:
    • Locate the SubmitTransaction method in ethergo/submitter/submitter.go.
    • Add logic to catch parse errors and check if the transaction size exceeds the configured cap.
    • If the transaction size is over the cap, split the transaction into smaller parts and resubmit.
func (t *txSubmitterImpl) SubmitTransaction(parentCtx context.Context, chainID *big.Int, call ContractCallType) (nonce uint64, err error) {
    ctx, span := t.metrics.Tracer().Start(parentCtx, "submitter.SubmitTransaction", trace.WithAttributes(
        attribute.Stringer("chainID", chainID),
        attribute.String("caller", runtime.FuncForPC(reflect.ValueOf(call).Pointer()).Name()),

    defer func() {
        metrics.EndSpanWithErr(span, err)

    // Existing code...

    tx, err := call(transactor)
    if err != nil {
        // Check if the error is due to transaction size exceeding the cap
        if isTxSizeOverCapError(err) {
            // Logic to split the transaction into smaller parts and resubmit
            smallerTxs, splitErr := splitTransaction(tx)
            if splitErr != nil {
                return 0, fmt.Errorf("could not split transaction: %w", splitErr)
            for _, smallerTx := range smallerTxs {
                _, submitErr := t.SubmitTransaction(ctx, chainID, func(opts *bind.TransactOpts) (*types.Transaction, error) {
                    return smallerTx, nil
                if submitErr != nil {
                    return 0, fmt.Errorf("could not resubmit smaller transaction: %w", submitErr)
            return 0, nil
        return 0, fmt.Errorf("could not call contract: %w", err)

    // Existing code...

func isTxSizeOverCapError(err error) bool {
    // Implement logic to check if the error is due to transaction size exceeding the cap
    return false // Placeholder

func splitTransaction(tx *types.Transaction) ([]*types.Transaction, error) {
    // Implement logic to split the transaction into smaller parts
    return nil, nil // Placeholder
  1. Update Configuration in config.go:
    • Ensure the configuration file (ethergo/submitter/config/config.go) has parameters for the transaction size cap.
// Add a new field in ChainConfig struct
MaxTxSize int `yaml:"max_tx_size"`

// Add a getter method for MaxTxSize
func (c *Config) GetMaxTxSize(chainID int) int {
    chainConfig, ok := c.Chains[chainID]
    if ok && chainConfig.MaxTxSize != 0 {
        return chainConfig.MaxTxSize
    return c.MaxTxSize
  1. Handle Configuration in submitter.go:
    • Use the new configuration parameter to determine the transaction size cap.
func (t *txSubmitterImpl) SubmitTransaction(parentCtx context.Context, chainID *big.Int, call ContractCallType) (nonce uint64, err error) {
    // Existing code...

    maxTxSize := t.config.GetMaxTxSize(int(chainID.Uint64()))

    // Existing code...

    tx, err := call(transactor)
    if err != nil {
        // Check if the error is due to transaction size exceeding the cap
        if isTxSizeOverCapError(err) || tx.Size() > maxTxSize {
            // Logic to split the transaction into smaller parts and resubmit
            smallerTxs, splitErr := splitTransaction(tx)
            if splitErr != nil {
                return 0, fmt.Errorf("could not split transaction: %w", splitErr)
            for _, smallerTx := range smallerTxs {
                _, submitErr := t.SubmitTransaction(ctx, chainID, func(opts *bind.TransactOpts) (*types.Transaction, error) {
                    return smallerTx, nil
                if submitErr != nil {
                    return 0, fmt.Errorf("could not resubmit smaller transaction: %w", submitErr)
            return 0, nil
        return 0, fmt.Errorf("could not call contract: %w", err)

    // Existing code...


/ethergo/submitter/submitter.go /ethergo/submitter/config/config.go /ethergo/submitter

Ask Greptile