syncfusion / blazor-locale

Locale translation resource files for all Syncfusion Blazor UI components in multiple cultures
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873088: Resource #135

Closed RajeshSyncfusion closed 6 months ago

RajeshSyncfusion commented 6 months ago

Bug description

Need to make correction Localization values in Dutch resource file

Root cause

The german localization words are not handled properly.

Solution description

Modified the german localization of words properly in file.

Reason for not identifying earlier

Areas tested against this fix

Provide details about the areas or combinations that have been tested against this code changes.

Is it a breaking issue?

Action taken

What action did you take to avoid this in future?

Feature matrix document updated

Automation details - Mark Is Automated field as (Yes, Manual, Not Applicable) in corresponding JIRA task once the bug is automated.

If the same issue is reproduced in ej2, what will you do?

Output screenshots

Post the output screenshots if an UI is affected or added due to this bug.

Blazor Checklist

Confirm whether this feature is ensured in both Blazor Server and WASM

Is there any new API or existing API name change?

Is there any existing behavior change due to this code change?

Do the code changes cause any memory leak and performance issue? (Test only if you suspect that your code may cause problem)

Reviewer Checklist