I fixed some of the german translations, either they were plain wrong or they had typos.
For the most words like "subscript", "align right", "center", "justify", "bold" I used the terms every word processor does (in my case Microsoft Word).
The word "widerrufen" had a typo, see: https://www.duden.de/suchen/dudenonline/widerrufen.
Please accept this Pull Request as it fixes necessary texts for our customers.
I fixed some of the german translations, either they were plain wrong or they had typos. For the most words like "subscript", "align right", "center", "justify", "bold" I used the terms every word processor does (in my case Microsoft Word). The word "widerrufen" had a typo, see: https://www.duden.de/suchen/dudenonline/widerrufen.
Please accept this Pull Request as it fixes necessary texts for our customers.