syncfusion / flutter-widgets

Syncfusion Flutter widgets libraries include high quality UI widgets and file-format packages to help you create rich, high-quality applications for iOS, Android, and web from a single code base.
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[question] Donut chart inside another donut chart #1245

Closed Lorenzobettega closed 11 months ago

Lorenzobettega commented 11 months ago

I'm trying to do something like this using syncfusion_flutter_charts: 21.2.5: image

Is there any way to achieve the above result with the package?

If not, can the team help with an option?

Just to clarify, both charts are related

PreethikaSelvam commented 11 months ago

Hi Lorenzobettega,

We have achieved this requirement by using two doughnut series and customising their radius using the radius, inner radius, and explodeAll properties, which are available in DoughnutSeries. And you can enable the data label using the DataLabelSettings property in DoughnutSeries. We have prepared a sample based on your requirements and attached it below for your reference.



For more details, pleas refer the below user guide:


Regards, Preethika.

Lorenzobettega commented 11 months ago

im having this error when looking for the sample: image

PreethikaSelvam commented 11 months ago

Hi Lorenzobettega,

I apologies for the above mentioned issue on the attached sample, kindly refer this updated sample attached below for your reference.


Regards, Preethika.

Lorenzobettega commented 11 months ago

I'm really grateful for your help!

Is it possible to have the legend of the inner chart also on the sample, controlling both charts


something visually like this:


Its the one part still missing today: image

LokeshPalani commented 11 months ago


You can achieve your requirement by using the offset property in the Legend. This will allow you to place the legend inside the chart. We have provided a code snippet, output, and sample for your reference. Please let us know if you require any further assistance.

Code snippet:

                legend: Legend(
                  isVisible: true,
                  offset: Offset(-450, -200),




Regards, Lokesh.

Lorenzobettega commented 11 months ago

Thanks for all, nice support :)

Lorenzobettega commented 11 months ago

Hi, in this sample that you invite me you solve the question about legend position, but I still missing a controller for both grapichs, for example:

When I tap this option, will hidden all the circle part, both at the first and the second graph: image

it's possible to do that ?

LokeshPalani commented 11 months ago

We have analyzed your query and would like to inform you that there is currently no option to hide the two-chart series when tapping on the legend while using the Stack widget. The user interactions will only work on the top of the SfCircularChart, as this is the behavior of the SfCircularChart. Please let us know if you require any further assistance.

Lorenzobettega commented 11 months ago

I cannot render the outside grapich every time I tap the inside grapich legend?

LokeshPalani commented 11 months ago

You can achieve your requirement by using the onLegendTapped property and UniqueKey in the SfCircularChart. In the onLegendTapped property, we take the pointIndex and check if the tapped index is zero by setting a boolean property. If the tapped index is zero, we change the dataSource in the first chart with the help of UniqueKey in the SfCircularChart. We have shared a code snippet and sample for your reference. Please check and let us know if you need any further assistance.

code snippet:

                onLegendTapped: (legendTapArgs) {
                  setState(() {
                   uniqueKey = UniqueKey();
                    isLegendTapped = legendTapArgs.pointIndex == 0
                        ? !isLegendTapped
                        : isLegendTapped;
                key: uniqueKey,
                series: <CircularSeries>[
                  DoughnutSeries<ChartData, String>(
                    dataSource: isLegendTapped ? chartData3 : chartData2,

Lorenzobettega commented 11 months ago

Thanks for all, It works.