syncfusion / flutter-widgets

Syncfusion Flutter widgets libraries include high quality UI widgets and file-format packages to help you create rich, high-quality applications for iOS, Android, and web from a single code base.
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synfusion calendar issue in parsing in latest version 24.2.6 , but working using syncfusion_flutter_calendar: ^20.4.54 #1674

Closed samih93 closed 1 month ago

samih93 commented 3 months ago

i used this to covert an appointment to an event model @override EventModel? convertAppointmentToObject( EventModel? customData, Appointment appointment) { // TODO: implement convertAppointmentToObject

String color = !appointment.color.toString().contains("(")
    ? appointment.color.withOpacity(customData!.opacity).toString()
    : getStringColorFromHex(

return EventModel(
    start: appointment.startTime.toString(),
    background: color,
    end: appointment.endTime.toString(),
    title: appointment.subject,
    comment: customData.comment,
    isEvent: customData.isEvent,
    isCompleted: customData.isCompleted,
    isAllDay: appointment.isAllDay,
    opacity: customData.opacity,
    id: int.parse(,
    recurrenceRule: appointment.recurrenceRule,
    reccurenceNote: customData.reccurenceNote,
    isReapeted: appointment.recurrenceRule != null &&
            appointment.recurrenceRule != ""
        ? true
        : false);

} and on tap() function returns Class 'EventModel' has no instance getter 'notes'. Receiver: Instance of 'EventModel' Tried calling: notes

this is the on tap function onTap: (CalendarTapDetails details) { if (details.targetElement == CalendarElement.appointment) { EventModel eventModel = details.appointments!.first; print(eventModel.reccurenceNote); //print(; // print(details.appointments!.first.opacity); showEventDialog(eventModel, context, ref); } } return

Mounix99 commented 3 months ago

Same to me

Yuvaraj-Gajaraj commented 3 months ago

We can able to replicate the reported issue at our end and we have logged a bug report for it in our feedback portal. We will fix and include the changes in our upcoming Volume 1 main release which is expected to be rolled out on 3rd week of March 2024. We will update you here once the release is rolled out and we appreciate your patience until then.

samih93 commented 3 months ago

Thank you ,also the title of the event in daily and weekly view not displayed , just event color without name

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From: YuvarajG @.> Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2024 1:29:13 PM To: syncfusion/flutter-widgets @.> Cc: samih damaj @.>; Author @.> Subject: Re: [syncfusion/flutter-widgets] synfusion calendar issue in parsing in latest version 24.2.6 , but working using syncfusion_flutter_calendar: ^20.4.54 (Issue #1674)

We can able to replicate the reported issue at our end and we have logged a bug report for it in our feedback portal. We will fix and include the changes in our upcoming Volume 1 main release which is expected to be rolled out on 3rd week of March 2024. We will update you here once the release is rolled out and we appreciate your patience until then.

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Yuvaraj-Gajaraj commented 2 months ago

Hi @samih93 ,

We have checked the reported issue at our end and we weren't able to reproduce the reported issue, the event name is displaying properly in both the day and week view. We are not able to understand what you proposing as your requirement, we kindly request you to share more information on your requirement in detail along with screenshots or screen recordings so that it will help us assist you in a better way.

Regards, Yuvaraj.

samih93 commented 2 months ago


also another issue if i click on event this instruction EventModel eventModel = details.appointments!.first; return an error that Class 'EventModel' has no instance getter 'notes'. and i solve it now but adding notes attribute in class EventModel

Yuvaraj-Gajaraj commented 2 months ago

The reported issue regarding the method not found error in the SfCalendar widget has been fixed and rolled out in our Volume 1 2024 main release. To avoid this please upgrade your package to the latest version mentioned below.

Latest package:

samih93 commented 2 months ago

event click works thank you , but the title of event (range from to , or all day) still not displayed

Yuvaraj-Gajaraj commented 2 months ago

Hi @samih93 ,

We have checked the reported issue that the event name is not shown in the AllDay appointment in the following cases,

But the reported issue is not getting replicated at our end and the appointment name is rendered properly and we are not exactly sure in what scenario the issue is replicating. So, we kindly request you to try to replicate the reported issue in the attached test sample and revert us so that it will help us assist you in a better way.

Screenshot: image


Regards, Yuvaraj.

LavanyaGowtham2021 commented 1 month ago

Please reopen this ticket with requested details to proceed further on this.

samih93 commented 1 month ago

it works thank you