syncfusion / flutter-widgets

Syncfusion Flutter widgets libraries include high quality UI widgets and file-format packages to help you create rich, high-quality applications for iOS, Android, and web from a single code base.
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Inquiry about Gridline Color and Width in sfdatagrid Flutter #1815

Closed NJashwanth closed 2 weeks ago

NJashwanth commented 1 month ago

I recently updated to the latest version of the sfdatagrid Flutter package and noticed a change in the gridline color and width. Previously, without any explicit customization on my part, the gridline colors were different from what I'm currently experiencing in the updated version.

In the previous version (23.x.x), the thinner gridlines provided a cleaner and less obtrusive appearance in my application. However, in the updated version, the cell borders appear thicker, which affects the overall appearance of my application.

Could you please provide guidance on how to adjust the thickness of cell borders in the updated version, particularly when using Material3? I aim to achieve the same look as in the previous version while maintaining compatibility with Material3.

abineshPalanisamy commented 1 month ago

Hi @NJashwanth

Based on the information provided, it appears that the reported problem involves changes in the grid line color and StrokeWidth in the latest version of SfDataGrid for Material design. We have transitioned to new colors in SfDataGrid to align with Material 3 standards, whereas previously, we used the same colors as in Material 2. Consequently, due to the new colors in Material 3, the grid line color and width appear different.

To address this issue, you have the option to customize the grid line color and thickness. This can be achieved by utilizing the SfDataGridThemeData.gridLineColor and SfDataGridThemeData.gridLineStrokeWidth properties. Please refer to the following user guide documentation links to gain a deeper understanding related to styling grid line.

UG Link - Styling grid lines

Additionally, you can consider the code snippet below to retrieve the old gridline color.

Regards, Abinesh P

ashok-kuvaraja commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @NJashwanth,

We suspect that the reported issue has been resolved at your end. We are closing this ticket now. If you need any further assistance, you can reopen this issue. We are always happy to help you.

Regards, Ashok K