syncfusion / flutter-widgets

Syncfusion Flutter widgets libraries include high quality UI widgets and file-format packages to help you create rich, high-quality applications for iOS, Android, and web from a single code base.
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Getting this error on crashlytics #1816

Open sahal01 opened 1 month ago

sahal01 commented 1 month ago

Bug description

Fatal Exception: io.flutter.plugins.firebase.crashlytics.FlutterError: Null check operator used on a null value at SfPdfViewerState._getSpecificTile(pdfviewer.dart:3860) at SfPdfViewerState._getTileImage.(pdfviewer.dart:3845)

Steps to reproduce

Getting this error on crashlytics

SfPdfViewerState._getSpecificTile io.flutter.plugins.firebase.crashlytics.FlutterError - Null check operator used on a null value

Code sample


Screenshots or Video


Stack Traces

SfPdfViewerState._getSpecificTile (pdfviewer.dart:3860) SfPdfViewerState._getTileImage. (pdfviewer.dart:3845)

On which target platforms have you observed this bug?

Android, iOS

Flutter Doctor output

SfPdfViewerState._getSpecificTile (pdfviewer.dart:3860) SfPdfViewerState._getTileImage. (pdfviewer.dart:3845)

immankumarsync commented 1 month ago

Hi @sahal01, we are unable to replicate the issue, and active viewport rendering is working as expected. Kindly share the replication steps with us to better understand the problem and assist you further.

sahal01 commented 4 weeks ago

@immankumarsync I'm using large-sized PDF files for viewing, and I'm encountering a crash reported on Crashlytics.

immankumarsync commented 3 weeks ago

@sahal01, we are unable to replicate the issue with the provided information. We have checked the active viewport rendering with large documents (PDF reference, etc.), and the active viewport rendering is working as expected.

Please share all the following details to analyze this issue more and provide you with a better solution:

  1. A minimal replicating sample
  2. PDF documents in which the issues occur.
  3. The replication video and replication steps.
sahal01 commented 3 weeks ago

@immankumarsync : Here is the example : When dealing with large PDF files, the app crashes while continuously selecting different PDFs.

Lost connection to device. Error: Unable to terminate com.example.pdfviewerApp on 8A509060-3776-4DA8-A098-B0AF12300370: ProcessException: Process exited abnormally with exit code -2:

Command: /usr/bin/arch -arm64e xcrun simctl terminate 8A509060-3776-4DA8-A098-B0AF12300370 com.example.pdfviewerApp the Dart compiler exited unexpectedly.

immankumarsync commented 3 weeks ago

@sahal01, still we are unable to replicate the issue with the provided sample. Kindly share us more information on replicating the issue such as a replication video.