syncfusion / flutter-widgets

Syncfusion Flutter widgets libraries include high quality UI widgets and file-format packages to help you create rich, high-quality applications for iOS, Android, and web from a single code base.
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[syncfusion_calendar_view] How to custom Quick view navigation colors ? #1850

Open QuentinSc opened 1 week ago

QuentinSc commented 1 week ago

Bug description

Can't find a way to custom the quick view navigation pannel

Steps to reproduce


Code sample

Code sample ```dart SfCalendar( // backgroundColor:, headerStyle: CalendarHeaderStyle( textAlign:, backgroundColor: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.surface, textStyle: const TextStyle(fontSize: 20), ), view: CalendarView.month, showDatePickerButton: true, minDate: Duration(days: 7)), showNavigationArrow: true, }, ), ```

Screenshots or Video

See above

Stack Traces

Stack Traces ```dart [Add the Stack Traces here] ```


On which target platforms have you observed this bug?


Flutter Doctor output

Doctor output ```console [Add your output here] ```
Yuvaraj-Gajaraj commented 1 week ago

Hi @QuentinSc,

Currently, we don't have the option to customize the date picker, which appears after enabling showDatePickerButton in SfCalendar. However, you can achieve this with the help of creating a custom header and showing the actual SfDateRangePicker in the button click. We have prepared the workaround sample below for your reference.

Screenshot: ScreenRecording2024-04-08at3 31 32PM-ezgif com-video-to-gif-converter


QuentinSc commented 1 week ago

Hello and thank you for your answer. Sadly it does not fit my need. Is there a plan to allow some customization on this part of the widget? The background color seems to be harcode

Yuvaraj-Gajaraj commented 4 days ago

Hi @QuentinSc,

We have a customized property for the SfDateRangePicker to customize all types of views in the SfDateRangePicker and shared the related UG documentation below for your reference.


If this is not your requirement then, please share more information about your requirement in detail along with the screenshot or screen recordings which is more helpful to us to provide a solution sooner.

Regards, Yuvaraj.