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Update order of arguments for click/4 + allow title to be optional #2

Closed AndroidOatmeal closed 1 year ago

AndroidOatmeal commented 1 year ago

Hello, here's my PR for making click/4's title an optional argument.

Due to elixir's rules for applying default arguments, I made the decision to move the http_method default to the end, and moved title \\ nil as the second argument. This is because we will wish to override the title default more often than we wish to override the method default. Now the click/4 can be used in four different ways:

# Defaults: title = nil, method = :get, "[data-role=my-data-role]")
# OR, data_role: "my-data-role")

# Defaults: method = :get, "My Special Link", "[data-role=my-data-role]")
# OR, "My Special Link", data_role: "my-data-role")

# Override method, no title selector, nil "[data-role=my-data-role]", :post)
# OR, nil, [data_role: "my-data-role"], :post)

# No defaults, "My Special Link", "[data-role=my-data-role]", :post)
# OR, "My Special Link", [data_role: "my-data-role"], :post)

Note that in the last example, we must write our selector as [data_role: "my-data-role"], because the selector is no longer the last argument. In my opinion this tradeoff is worth it; it's probably uncommon to want to specify a title, a selector, and :post. If you can think of a cleaner solution to the ordering/defaults problem, I'm all ears.

eahanson commented 1 year ago

I have an idea, but I won’t have time to try it out until a little later today.

eahanson commented 1 year ago

Changing this (in the top-level Pages module):

  @doc """
  Simulates clicking on an element at `selector` with title `title`.
  Set the `method` param to `:post` to click on a link that has `data-method=post`.
  @spec click(Pages.Driver.t(), http_method(), binary(), Hq.Css.selector()) :: Pages.Driver.t()
  def click(%module{} = page, method \\ :get, title, selector), do:, method, title, selector)

to this:

  @doc """
  Simulates clicking on an element at `selector` with title `title`.
  Set the `method` param to `:post` to click on a link that has `data-method=post`.
  @spec click(Pages.Driver.t(), http_method(), binary(), Hq.Css.selector()) :: Pages.Driver.t()
  def click(%module{} = page, method, title, selector), do:, method, title, selector)

  @spec click(Pages.Driver.t(), http_method(), Hq.Css.selector()) :: Pages.Driver.t()
  def click(%module{} = page, :get, selector), do:, :get, nil, selector)
  def click(%module{} = page, :post, selector), do:, :post, nil, selector)

  @spec click(Pages.Driver.t(), binary(), Hq.Css.selector()) :: Pages.Driver.t()
  def click(%module{} = page, title, selector), do:, :get, title, selector)

  @spec click(Pages.Driver.t(), Hq.Css.selector()) :: Pages.Driver.t()
  def click(%module{} = page, selector), do:, :get, nil, selector)

might work and obviate the need for re-ordering the params. What do you think?

sax commented 1 year ago

I like it. I think we could ship a breaking change if needed, but prefer not to if possible.

The fact that :method is always in [:get, :post] makes it pretty easy to pattern match the different variations.

sax commented 1 year ago

Also is_binary(title) can make things more deterministic.

eahanson commented 1 year ago

Also is_binary(title) can make things more deterministic.

Hmm.... the title can be a string, a Regex, or nil. I guess the current typespec is wrong. Maybe we need to define @type text_filter() :: binary() | Regex.t() | nil

AndroidOatmeal commented 1 year ago

I can take a crack at the proposed changes today

AndroidOatmeal commented 1 year ago

I've added the proposed changes. Take a look and let me know what you think.

eahanson commented 1 year ago

Awesome, thanks Andrew!