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descriptive URLs for topics #39

Open joshsh opened 7 years ago

joshsh commented 7 years ago

Currently, each atom is mapped to a URL based on its unique ID, as well as a configurable namespace. When the data is published (in RDF), the URL becomes the dereferenceable IRI of the topic.

However, these URLs are not very friendly-looking. E.g.

Going forward, let's append the topic title to the URL, and instruct the Web server to redirect to the bare URL. With the proposed longer IDs, we might have:

This URL would map to the same topic:

The URL is human-friendly and Linked Data friendly.

JeffreyBenjaminBrown commented 7 years ago

So the appended part -- the appendage! -- is optional? Is it a property of references to the atom, but absent from the atom address itself?

joshsh commented 7 years ago

It's optional, but applications will default to sharing and linking to the expanded URLs as opposed to the bare URLs. When you visit a page (and see HTML generated from the Markdown), you will have the full URL in your browser's navigation bar.

How IDs, IRIs, URLs and pages will work: