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Nextcloud Update v484 failling #638

Closed shiremail closed 2 years ago

shiremail commented 2 years ago



root@syncloud:~# snap refresh nextcloud error: cannot perform the following tasks:


cyberb commented 2 years ago
No space left on device

What disk are you using?

shiremail commented 2 years ago

32GB SD card with syncloud on it 128 GB SSD

Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on udev 929M 0 929M 0% /dev tmpfs 200M 22M 179M 11% /run /dev/mmcblk1p2 2.9G 2.3G 482M 83% / tmpfs 998M 12K 998M 1% /dev/shm tmpfs 5.0M 0 5.0M 0% /run/lock tmpfs 998M 0 998M 0% /sys/fs/cgroup /dev/loop1 85M 85M 0 100% /snap/files/158 /dev/loop0 43M 43M 0 100% /snap/bitwarden/21032862 /dev/loop2 30M 30M 0 100% /snap/files/21030283 /dev/loop3 147M 147M 0 100% /snap/platform/1227 /dev/loop4 431M 431M 0 100% /snap/nextcloud/211228447 /dev/loop5 147M 147M 0 100% /snap/platform/1236 /dev/loop6 147M 147M 0 100% /snap/platform/1264 /dev/sda1 110G 21G 84G 21% /opt/disk/external

I only use bitwarden und nextcloud on my device. Nextcloud data is on the SSD.

cyberb commented 2 years ago

What kind of device is this? Did you build it yourself? Try

du -hx --max-depth=1 / | sort -h
shiremail commented 2 years ago

4.0K /media 4.0K /mnt 4.0K /srv 16K /lost+found 20K /opt 28K /snap 32K /tmp 44K /home 2.7M /etc 70M /root 89M /boot 658M /usr 1.5G /var 2.3G /

shiremail commented 2 years ago

Any ideas?

cyberb commented 2 years ago

Did you do anything with disk? Root filesystem should not be on sdcard.

/dev/mmcblk1p2 2.9G 2.3G 482M 83% /

Looks like internal disk is used as external disk which is wrong and should be root /

/dev/sda1 110G 21G 84G 21% /opt/disk/external

You need to copy your files to another disk before you continue!

When you have backed up your files you need to do a factory reset by writing a fresh images to disk and sd card using this instruction:

Make sure you are writing sd image to sd card and disk image to internal disk (using another PC)

More info:

shiremail commented 2 years ago

Hm...The board is called ODROID XU4S (the H from your homepage uses the same case).

Last time I downloaded the image for XU4 from the wiki page. For the XU4 you only find one file. I used RUFUS to make a bootable image for the SD card and than booted the device. On the GUI I used the settings page to add the SSD. That worked also without any problems. I wonder why it used the storage that way....

So...what image is correct for the XU4S?

shiremail commented 2 years ago

The XU4S seems to be the HC1.

shiremail commented 2 years ago

Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on udev 929M 0 929M 0% /dev tmpfs 200M 6.5M 194M 4% /run /dev/sda2 110G 1.1G 105G 1% / tmpfs 998M 0 998M 0% /dev/shm tmpfs 5.0M 0 5.0M 0% /run/lock tmpfs 998M 0 998M 0% /sys/fs/cgroup /dev/loop0 147M 147M 0 100% /snap/platform/1264


4.0K /home 4.0K /media 4.0K /mnt 4.0K /srv 16K /lost+found 16K /snap 20K /opt 32K /tmp 2.6M /etc 84M /root 89M /boot 200M /var 644M /usr 1018M /

Under settings -> storage no disk is shown. Is that right?

cyberb commented 2 years ago

Yes this is much better, for external disk you need to use usb disk.

Can you run lsblk?

cyberb commented 2 years ago

Also did you extend boot disk from Settings - Internal Memory page?

cyberb commented 2 years ago

Is nextcloud installing alright?

shiremail commented 2 years ago

NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT loop0 7:0 0 146.9M 1 loop /snap/platform/1264 loop1 7:1 0 84.9M 1 loop /snap/files/158 loop2 7:2 0 434.5M 1 loop /snap/nextcloud/484 loop3 7:3 0 42.9M 1 loop /snap/bitwarden/21032862 sda 8:0 0 111.8G 0 disk |-sda1 8:1 0 128M 0 part -sda2 8:2 0 111.7G 0 part / mmcblk1 179:0 0 29.7G 0 disk |-mmcblk1p1 179:1 0 128M 0 part -mmcblk1p2 179:2 0 10M 0 part

Under 'Internal memory' it shows:


Partition 111,7G

Nextcloud installed fine.

Looks like the SD card is now only really used for the kernel do boot the system. The rest is on the SSD.

cyberb commented 2 years ago

do you still have a problem? if yes what is the error now?

jamidi99 commented 2 years ago

I am also having difficulties upgrading Nextcloud to v484. My issues seems different though:

root@syncloud:~# snap refresh nextcloud error: cannot perform the following tasks:

2022-03-11 10:41:51,579 - nextcloud_occ - ERROR - occ error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/snap/nextcloud/484/meta/hooks/configure", line 7, in Installer().configure() File "/snap/nextcloud/484/hooks/", line 112, in configure'ldap:set-config s01 ldapEmailAttribute mail') File "/snap/nextcloud/484/hooks/", line 19, in run raise e File "/snap/nextcloud/484/hooks/", line 13, in run output = check_output('{0} {1}'.format(self.occ_runner_path, args), shell=True).decode().strip() File "/snap/nextcloud/current/python/usr/local/lib/python3.8/", line 415, in check_output return run(*popenargs, stdout=PIPE, timeout=timeout, check=True, File "/snap/nextcloud/current/python/usr/local/lib/python3.8/", line 516, in run raise CalledProcessError(retcode, process.args, subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '/snap/nextcloud/current/bin/occ-runner ldap:set-config s01 ldapEmailAttribute mail' returned non-zero exit status 1. -----) root@syncloud:~#

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks a lot!

cyberb commented 2 years ago


Updates between multiple major versions and downgrades are unsupported.

Please use this upgrade procedure if you skipped more than one major update:

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