syncweek-react-aad / react-aad

A React wrapper for Azure AD using the Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL). The easiest way to integrate AzureAD with your React for authentication.
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Access Token not come #252

Open Anand-rana opened 4 years ago

Anand-rana commented 4 years ago

Library versions

react-aad-msal: 2.3.5 msal: 1.3.2

Describe the bug I've attempted to replace ADAL with MSAL. The first time the user accesses the app it authenticates correctly, but I am getting into a situation where our app goes into a redirect loop after a period of time. I presume this is when the token expires (1 hour by default, I believe). This happens sometimes when the app is idle after an hour, which is why I think it may be to do with the way a new token is obtained as well as when I refresh the browser window.


import { MsalAuthProvider, LoginType } from "react-aad-msal";

export const authProvider = new MsalAuthProvider( { auth: { authority: '', clientId: '', postLogoutRedirectUri: window.location.origin, redirectUri: window.location.origin, validateAuthority: false, navigateToLoginRequestUrl: false, },

cache: {
  cacheLocation: "localStorage",
  storeAuthStateInCookie: true

}, { scopes: [''], }, { loginType: LoginType.Redirect, tokenRefreshUri: window.location.origin + '/auth.html', } );

const token = await authProvider.getAccessToken()

this will provide error redirect to home screen.

brunoandradebr commented 4 years ago

You are supposed to change oauth2AllowImplicitFlow to true. It's configuration is located at :

And just check Access token then authProvider.getAccessToken() will return a valid token.