Closed MetalNeon closed 2 months ago
I changed that logic a bit so it doesn't throw an error if CUSTOM_CLASS_COLORS doesn't exist and added it to the addon. Could you please check if version 1.20 properly uses the custom colors? I only checked by manually creating a CUSTOM_CLASS_COLORS table.
Just checked, 1.20 seems to be working properly. Thank you
I'm asking for the button's color to be determined by CUSTOM_CLASS_COLORS instead of RAID_CLASS_COLORS like how it currently is. In Classic Era addons that change Shaman Colors to blue via RAID_CLASS_COLORS end up causing errors so I swapped to one that uses CUSTOM_CLASS_COLORS instead. The button as of now calls on the old variable, but I was able to change Utils.lua and altering line 32 as follows
local color = _G.CUSTOM_CLASS_COLORS[select(2, _G.UnitClass(unit))] or _G.RAID_CLASS_COLORS[select(2, _G.UnitClass(unit))];
I would really appreciate support for this.