syndesisio / syndesis-ui

The front end application or UI for Syndesis - a flexible, customizable, cloud-hosted platform that provides core integration capabilities as a service. It leverages Red Hat's existing product architecture using OpenShift Online/Dedicated and Fuse Integration Services.
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Add tooltips to basic filter step #1226

Open seanforyou23 opened 6 years ago

seanforyou23 commented 6 years ago

Tooltips were included in the initial designs, but implementation is missing.

amysueg commented 6 years ago

Somewhere I remember that @TovaCohen has a list of the actual wording of the tooltips for the application. Did I remember that correctly? And if so, then @TovaCohen would you please attach that document to this ticket?

TovaCohen commented 6 years ago

The document where we planned the content for the guided tour popups had a few tooltips. For the basic filter step, I suggest these three tooltips, one for each of the three fields:

The data you want to evaluate Must meet this condition For this value

I'm happy to provide the text for tooltips. What's the best way for me to do that? I know that a maven plugin was created to pull text from doc source files, but it has not yet been implemented. I think I need to insert some kind of tags in doc source files for the correct text to be pulled into the correct location. @rhuss Is someone available to work on this with me?