syndesisio / syndesis-ui

The front end application or UI for Syndesis - a flexible, customizable, cloud-hosted platform that provides core integration capabilities as a service. It leverages Red Hat's existing product architecture using OpenShift Online/Dedicated and Fuse Integration Services.
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Source env scripts for VM automatically #44

Closed kahboom closed 7 years ago

kahboom commented 7 years ago


Add an NPM script to source Minikube automatically prior to running npm start. In the near future it would be nice to have this as a configurable option that defaults to Minikube (Kubernetes) when running just npm start.


kahboom commented 7 years ago

These are the new commands for starting the UI up, specific to Kubernetes or OpenShift:

For Minikube: npm start:minikube

For Minishift: npm start:minishift

And npm start will not source any of the env scripts, so you'd have to do them manually until we make them configurable, as stated above.

kahboom commented 7 years ago

Reopened, as I haven't written tests for this yet.

gashcrumb commented 7 years ago

This probably needs to get moved to ipaas-api, but I wonder, 1) is it possible and 2) is it still applicable

kahboom commented 7 years ago

We should move it anyway and decide later on, I think. Just don't want to forget about it in the event that it's still relevant.

gashcrumb commented 7 years ago

Yep, let me do that now...

gashcrumb commented 7 years ago

Moved to