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Local build failing #166

Closed squakez closed 4 years ago

squakez commented 4 years ago

I'm trying to execute locally the website and I'm getting the following error as sun as I run gulp command:

SYNDESIS is now running on port 7000
Watching for changes...
[16:05:03] Finished 'js' after 268 ms
Building sites … ERROR 2020/04/20 16:05:02 Failed to add template "index.html" in path "/home/squake/workspace/": template: /home/squake/workspace/ function "hugo" not defined
ERROR 2020/04/20 16:05:02 Failed to add template "theme/_default/single.html" in path "/home/squake/workspace/": template: /home/squake/workspace/ function "hugo" not defined
ERROR 2020/04/20 16:05:02 Failed to add template "theme/blog/list.html" in path "/home/squake/workspace/": template: /home/squake/workspace/ function "hugo" not defined
ERROR 2020/04/20 16:05:02 Failed to add template "theme/blog/single.html" in path "/home/squake/workspace/": template: /home/squake/workspace/ function "hugo" not defined
ERROR 2020/04/20 16:05:02 Failed to add template "theme/docs/list.html" in path "/home/squake/workspace/": template: /home/squake/workspace/ function "hugo" not defined
ERROR 2020/04/20 16:05:02 Failed to add template "theme/docs/single.html" in path "/home/squake/workspace/": template: /home/squake/workspace/ function "hugo" not defined
ERROR 2020/04/20 16:05:02 Failed to add template "theme/partials/docs/sidenav.html" in path "/home/squake/workspace/": template: /home/squake/workspace/ function "hugo" not defined
Total in 98 ms

Error: Error building site: logged 7 error(s)

[16:05:03] 'hugo:serve' errored after 307 ms
[16:05:03] Error: Command failed: hugo serve --port 7000 --bind
Error: Error building site: logged 7 error(s)

    at ChildProcess.exithandler (child_process.js:275:12)
    at emitTwo (events.js:126:13)
    at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:214:7)
    at maybeClose (internal/child_process.js:925:16)
    at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:209:5)
[16:05:03] 'default' errored after 309 ms
[16:05:03] The following tasks did not complete: css, watch, <anonymous>
[16:05:03] Did you forget to signal async completion?

Did the procedure to execute the website change or is it a bug?

squakez commented 4 years ago

@kahboom, @gashcrumb would you mind having a look?

squakez commented 4 years ago

Nevermind, as we've already discussed it seems I have an outdated version of required hugo generator. I will add some note on the readme to reflect it.