Closed avano closed 5 years ago
@nicolaferraro @rhuss Can you two take a look at this?
@avano I'm not able to reproduce it.
Here's the list of steps I'm doing:
syndesis install --project myproject --tag 1.4.9
# wait for everything to install
syndesis install --operator-only --tag 1.5.6
The result is what expected. The error about the persistent volume claim already existing is not a real issue. It will not appear anymore after #3861.
Operator logs:
| time="2018-11-06T00:04:51Z" level=info msg="Go Version: go1.10.3"
| time="2018-11-06T00:04:51Z" level=info msg="Go OS/Arch: linux/amd64"
| time="2018-11-06T00:04:51Z" level=info msg="operator-sdk Version: 0.0.5+git"
| time="2018-11-06T00:04:51Z" level=info msg="Using template /conf/syndesis-template.yml"
| time="2018-11-06T00:04:51Z" level=info msg="Watching, Syndesis, myproject, 5"
| time="2018-11-06T00:04:51Z" level=info msg="No legacy Syndesis installations detected in the myproject namespace"
| time="2018-11-06T00:04:51Z" level=info msg="Syndesis legacy installations check completed"
| time="2018-11-06T00:04:51Z" level=info msg="Starting upgrade of Syndesis resource app from version 1.4.9 to version 1.5.6"
| time="2018-11-06T00:04:51Z" level=info msg="Upgrading syndesis resource app from version 1.4.9 to 1.5.6"
| time="2018-11-06T00:04:51Z" level=error msg="error syncing key (myproject/app): object is being deleted: persistentvolumeclaims \"syndesis-upgrade\" already exists"
| time="2018-11-06T00:04:52Z" level=info msg="Upgrading syndesis resource app from version 1.4.9 to 1.5.6"
| time="2018-11-06T00:04:56Z" level=info msg="Syndesis resource app is currently being upgraded to version 1.5.6"
| time="2018-11-06T00:05:01Z" level=info msg="Syndesis resource app is currently being upgraded to version 1.5.6"
| time="2018-11-06T00:05:06Z" level=info msg="Syndesis resource app is currently being upgraded to version 1.5.6"
| time="2018-11-06T00:05:11Z" level=info msg="Syndesis resource app is currently being upgraded to version 1.5.6"
The upgrade pod is bound and completes successfully.
The redeployment does not stop because #3924 is not merged and tag is hardcoded to latest, but I don't see the error you're reporting here.
Are you doing something different?
@nicolaferraro strange, I tried again with the same steps as you and still can see the same outcome. I'll ask around if I'm the only one with that problem and will let you know
@nicolaferraro I was also able to reproduce the issue @avano describes. Which openshift version do you use please? We both hit this issue on 3.10.
This is my env:
minishift v1.25.0+90fb23e
openshift v3.10.0+349c70c-73
kubernetes v1.10.0+b81c8f8
Can you share the yaml of the upgrade pod to understand why it's not mounting the volume?
There are a number of issues on OpenShift related to subpath mounting:
- mountPath: /opt/backup
subPath: backup
name: backup-dir
It may be a OpenShift issue.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
annotations: restricted
creationTimestamp: '2018-11-06T08:20:13Z'
name: syndesis-upgrade-latest
namespace: myproject
- apiVersion:
blockOwnerDeletion: true
controller: true
kind: Syndesis
name: app
uid: 669ea73b-e19c-11e8-9735-080027629ecd
resourceVersion: '10084'
selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/myproject/pods/syndesis-upgrade-latest
uid: c90085a9-e19c-11e8-9735-080027629ecd
- args:
- '--backup'
- /opt/backup
apiVersion: v1
fieldPath: metadata.namespace
image: ''
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
name: upgrade
resources: {}
runAsUser: 1000140000
terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log
terminationMessagePolicy: File
- mountPath: /opt/backup
name: backup-dir
subPath: backup
- mountPath: /var/run/secrets/
name: syndesis-operator-token-mzww7
readOnly: true
dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst
- name: syndesis-operator-dockercfg-k69hn
nodeName: localhost
restartPolicy: Never
schedulerName: default-scheduler
fsGroup: 1000140000
level: 's0:c12,c4'
serviceAccount: syndesis-operator
serviceAccountName: syndesis-operator
terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30
- name: backup-dir
claimName: syndesis-upgrade
- name: syndesis-operator-token-mzww7
defaultMode: 420
secretName: syndesis-operator-token-mzww7
- lastProbeTime: null
lastTransitionTime: '2018-11-06T08:20:14Z'
status: 'True'
type: Initialized
- lastProbeTime: null
lastTransitionTime: '2018-11-06T08:20:14Z'
message: 'containers with unready status: [upgrade]'
reason: ContainersNotReady
status: 'False'
type: Ready
- lastProbeTime: null
lastTransitionTime: '2018-11-06T08:20:14Z'
status: 'True'
type: PodScheduled
- image: ''
imageID: ''
lastState: {}
name: upgrade
ready: false
restartCount: 0
message: >-
failed to prepare subPath for volumeMount "backup-dir" of container
reason: CreateContainerConfigError
phase: Pending
qosClass: BestEffort
startTime: '2018-11-06T08:20:14Z'
It seems so.
This should be the first time we use the upgrade volume. To remove any issue related to OpenShift versions, I think we can safely remove the subPath
It was needed when the volume was shared with the database, but it does not make sense now.
@avano @nicolaferraro What oc
version are you using? Could it be related?
No, I don't think the oc
version is related because the resources that are having the problem are not created by oc
directly, they are created by the operator.
The issue in the event monitor seems related to the subPath mounting, that is a feature that we don't actually need to use since we have a dedicated volume for the upgrade now.
btw I tried to upgrade from 1.4.9 to "master" (latest with your changes) and it works well now.
@avano if it works well, can you close the issue?
@heiko-braun I would prefer to leave this open until it gets to a prod build, because the CR1 is affected as well at the moment
@avano Yes, makes sense.
fixed in CR2 prod build
This is a...
I tried to upgrade from "1.4.9" to "latest" (because currently there is still hardcoded "latest" upgrade pod in operator image #3924). Then I tried from "1.5.5" to "latest" with the same result - upgrade pod won't start because of this:
There is also this error in the operator log:
steps to reproduce: ./syndesis install -s ./syndesis install --project myproject --tag 1.4.9 wait for syndesis to install deploy new operator image, for example 1.5.6 version
minishift v1.26.1+1e20f27 openshift 3.10