syndesisio / syndesis

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New label hierachy #9

Closed rhuss closed 6 years ago

rhuss commented 6 years ago

Before we move our issues and PRs we should agree on our label hierarchy, which also reflects the various backend.

I'd like to have something hierarchical like K8s uses it, e.g. backend/bug, ui/text-change, .... which are coloured coded, too (e.g. all backend labels are in a green tone, ....)

For the first level, I suggest:

and then as second level:

plus some global tags like

wdyt ?

dsimansk commented 6 years ago

I think we should add atlasmap or something similar in first level to cover cases when the issue is linked to Atlasmap repository and being worked on there.

dsimansk commented 6 years ago

...and what about priority labels. Something similar that is already used in syndesis-ui?

lburgazzoli commented 6 years ago

I think we also need a camel label at second level, like connector/camel so we know if it depends on camel.

zregvart commented 6 years ago

I would add feature or story top level to the list.

kahboom commented 6 years ago

I'd also change ux to uxd since it's for both UX & Design. Really minor detail though.

+1 on the priority labels (but I'm biased as I created those in the UI 😂 ).

gashcrumb commented 6 years ago

Yeah, I really like the priorities labels we put in place in the ui repo. Also I'd suggest enhancement vs feat/feature. Or save feature for more of an epic-scoped thing, vs enhancement for a smaller-scoped improvement that isn't a bug fix.

rhuss commented 6 years ago

Ok, I came up for now with the following label hierarchy, and mapping from old projects:

  user: "syndesis-bot"
  token: "...."

target: "syndesisio/issue-import-test"

  approved: "0ffa16"
  Epic: "364294"

  module/rest: "9d653d"
  module/ui: "dce6f0"
  module/deploy: "ab947d"
  module/runtime: "657c9a"
  module/s2i: "2b313c"
  module/connectors: "b39d9e"
  module/tests: "91ac83"
  module/uxd: "fdc5d8"
  module/verifier: "c6d74b"
  module/project: "e8a824"

  ext/atlasmap: "edb080"
  ext/camel: "c56b37"
  ext/docs: "f9d647"
  ext/qe: "91ac83"

  status/wip: "f5c73f"
  status/blocked: "ad0009"

  notif/doc-update: "98cc38"
  notif/ux-design: "f382d0"

  prio/p0 : "f85963"
  prio/p1 : "e68b8a"
  prio/p2 : "fabaaf"
  prio/p3 : "faeadf"

  size/s: "edeca6"
  size/m: "fdf595"
  size/l: "fbdf78"
  size/xl: "fcc674"

  cat/bug: "e08891"
  cat/blocker: "dd6977"
  cat/feature: "bdd9f4"
  cat/enhancement: "93d273"
  cat/techdebt: "e7aeb6"
  cat/question: "8bd5e3"
  cat/retro: "84c68f"
  cat/process: "84c68f"
  cat/discussion: "1d4367"
  cat/quickwin: "a35e86"
  cat/starter: "e2704f"
  cat/research: "e9d355"
  cat/design: "cebdf8"

  target/tp1: "c6aad5"
  target/tp2: "bb98cb"
  target/tp3: "ae84c4"
  target/tp4: "8e6aaa"
  target/ga: "7e6eb1"

    name: "syndesisio/syndesis-rest"
      big: "size/xl"
      WIP: "status/wip"
      Epic: "Epic"
      bug: "cat/bug"
      enhancement: "cat/enhancement"
      question: "cat/question"
      technical debt: "cat/debt"
      Retro Action Item: "cat/retro"
      wontfix: "cat/wontfix"
      blocked: "status/blocked"                                      
      TP1: "target/tp1"
      TP2: "target/tp2"
      TP3: "target/tp3"                                      
      approved: "approved"
    name: "syndesisio/syndesis-ui"
      approved: "approved"
      bug: "cat/bug"
      "data mapper": "ext/atlasmap"
      "dev process": "cat/process"
      discussion: "cat/discussion"
      enhancement: "cat/enhancement"
      "good first issue": "cat/starter"
      "in progress": "status/wip"
      "Priority - Blocking": "prio/p0"
      "Priority - High": "prio/p1"
      "Priority - Low": "prio/p2"
      "Priority - never gonna happen": "prio/p3"
      question: "cat/question"
      refactoring: "cat/techdebt"
      research: "cat/research"
      "Retro Action Item": "cat/retro"
      "sprint requirement": "cat/feature"
      "support & docs": "ext/docs"
      "testing & qe": "ext/qe"
      "text changed": "notif/doc-update"
      "TP1": "target/tp1"
      "TP2": "target/tp2"
      "UX Design" : "notif/ux-design"
    name: "syndesisio/syndesis-project"
      approved: "approved"
      Blocker: "cat/blocker"
      Bug: "cat/bug"
      Enhancement: "cat/enhancement"
      Epic: "Epic"
      Feature: "cat/feature"
      Requirement: "cat/feature"
      "Retro Action Item": "cat/retro"
      TP1: "target/tp1"
      "UX Design": "notif/ux-design"
    name: "syndesisio/syndesis-verifier"
      approved: "approved"
    name: "syndesisio/syndesis-ux"
      approved: "approved"
      "Data Mapper": "ext/atlasmap"
      "project management": "cat/process"
      "UX Design": "cat/design"
      "UX Research": "cat/research"
      TP1: "target/tp1"
    name: "syndesisio/syndesis-system-tests"
    name: "syndesisio/connectors"
      bug: "cat/bug"
      "Retro Action Item": "cat/retro"
      TP2: "target/tp2"
      TP3: "target/tp3"
    name: "syndesisio/syndesis-integration-runtime"
    name: "syndesisio/syndesis-s2i-image"      
    name: "syndesisio/syndesis-openshift-templates"
      approved: "approved"

You can see the colours of the labels here:

Not to say its the best choice (i just picked random combinations from

Happy if @syndesisio/design-ux or @syndesisio/ui-api find a better and sound color scheme, we can change this always latter by updating the date above and rerun the label update script.

gashcrumb commented 6 years ago
