syndesisio / syndesis

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kafka Integration problem #9628

Closed suoxun closed 3 years ago

suoxun commented 3 years ago

When I create Kafka integration again, the generated project integration starts to report an error. The JSON of the project is:

    "connections": {
        ":i-MbFUiwa55rqfTUoRIMsz": {
            "configuredProperties": {
                "brokers": ",,",
                "extraOptions": "[]",
                "transportProtocol": "PLAINTEXT"
            "connector": {
                "actions": [{
                    "actionType": "connector",
                    "description": "Publish data to the Kafka topic that you select.",
                    "descriptor": {
                        "inputDataShape": {
                            "kind": "any"
                        "outputDataShape": {
                            "kind": "none"
                        "propertyDefinitionSteps": [{
                            "description": "Specify Kafka topic name",
                            "name": "Select the Kafka topic",
                            "properties": {
                                "topic": {
                                    "componentProperty": false,
                                    "deprecated": false,
                                    "displayName": "Topic Name",
                                    "group": "common",
                                    "javaType": "java.lang.String",
                                    "kind": "path",
                                    "labelHint": "Select the Kafka topic to send data to.",
                                    "order": 1,
                                    "required": true,
                                    "secret": false,
                                    "type": "dataList"
                    "id": "io.syndesis:kafka-publish-action",
                    "name": "Publish",
                    "pattern": "To",
                    "tags": ["dynamic"]
                }, {
                    "actionType": "connector",
                    "description": "Receive data from the Kafka topic that you select.",
                    "descriptor": {
                        "inputDataShape": {
                            "kind": "none"
                        "outputDataShape": {
                            "kind": "any"
                        "propertyDefinitionSteps": [{
                            "description": "Select the Kafka topic name",
                            "name": "Select the Kafka topic",
                            "properties": {
                                "topic": {
                                    "componentProperty": false,
                                    "deprecated": false,
                                    "displayName": "Topic Name",
                                    "group": "common",
                                    "javaType": "java.lang.String",
                                    "kind": "path",
                                    "labelHint": "Select the Kafka topic to receive data from.",
                                    "order": 1,
                                    "required": true,
                                    "secret": false,
                                    "type": "dataList"
                    "id": "io.syndesis:kafka-subscribe-action",
                    "name": "Subscribe",
                    "pattern": "From",
                    "tags": ["dynamic"]
                "componentScheme": "kafka",
                "connectorCustomizers": ["io.syndesis.connector.kafka.KafkaConnectionCustomizer"],
                "dependencies": [{
                    "id": "io.syndesis.connector:connector-kafka:2.0-SNAPSHOT",
                    "type": "MAVEN"
                "description": "Subscribe for and publish messages",
                "icon": "assets:kafka.svg",
                "id": "kafka",
                "name": "Kafka Message Broker",
                "properties": {
                    "brokerCertificate": {
                        "componentProperty": true,
                        "deprecated": false,
                        "displayName": "Broker certificate",
                        "group": "common,security",
                        "javaType": "java.lang.String",
                        "kind": "property",
                        "label": "security",
                        "labelHint": "TLS broker certificate",
                        "order": 3,
                        "required": false,
                        "secret": false,
                        "type": "textarea"
                    "brokers": {
                        "componentProperty": true,
                        "deprecated": false,
                        "displayName": "Kafka Broker URIs",
                        "group": "common",
                        "javaType": "java.lang.String",
                        "kind": "property",
                        "label": "common",
                        "labelHint": "Comma separated list of Kafka broker URIs in the form host:port",
                        "order": 1,
                        "required": true,
                        "secret": false,
                        "type": "typeahead"
                    "extraOptions": {
                        "arrayDefinition": {
                            "key": {
                                "displayName": "Key",
                                "type": "text"
                            "value": {
                                "displayName": "Value",
                                "type": "text"
                        "arrayDefinitionOptions": {
                            "i18nAddElementText": "Add",
                            "minElements": 0
                        "componentProperty": true,
                        "deprecated": false,
                        "displayName": "Extra Options",
                        "group": "common",
                        "javaType": "java.util.List",
                        "kind": "property",
                        "label": "common",
                        "labelHint": "Extra Options for the Kafka connection.",
                        "order": 4,
                        "type": "array"
                    "transportProtocol": {
                        "componentProperty": true,
                        "defaultValue": "PLAINTEXT",
                        "deprecated": false,
                        "displayName": "Transport Protocol",
                        "enum": [{
                            "label": "PLAIN",
                            "value": "PLAINTEXT"
                        }, {
                            "label": "TLS",
                            "value": "SSL"
                        "group": "common,security",
                        "javaType": "java.lang.String",
                        "kind": "property",
                        "label": "security",
                        "labelHint": "The transport protocol. Select TLS for encryption in transit.",
                        "order": 2,
                        "required": true,
                        "secret": false,
                        "type": "string"
                "tags": ["dynamic", "verifier"],
                "version": 14
            "connectorId": "kafka",
            "createdDate": 1622700650276,
            "description": "Subscribe for and publish messages",
            "icon": "assets:kafka.svg",
            "id": "i-MbFUiwa55rqfTUoRIMsz",
            "isDerived": false,
            "lastUpdated": 1622700650276,
            "name": "测试环境的kafka",
            "userId": "someone_important",
            "uses": 0
        ":i-MbLhX8zbX9wCwP3FX4nz": {
            "configuredProperties": {
                "baseUrl": ""
            "connector": {
                "actions": [{
                    "actionType": "connector",
                    "description": "Invoke an http endpoint URL",
                    "descriptor": {
                        "connectorFactory": "io.syndesis.connector.http.HttpConnectorFactories$Https",
                        "inputDataShape": {
                            "kind": "any"
                        "outputDataShape": {
                            "kind": "any"
                        "propertyDefinitionSteps": [{
                            "description": "properties",
                            "name": "properties",
                            "properties": {
                                "httpMethod": {
                                    "defaultValue": "GET",
                                    "deprecated": false,
                                    "displayName": "Http Method",
                                    "enum": [{
                                        "label": "GET",
                                        "value": "GET"
                                    }, {
                                        "label": "PUT",
                                        "value": "PUT"
                                    }, {
                                        "label": "POST",
                                        "value": "POST"
                                    }, {
                                        "label": "DELETE",
                                        "value": "DELETE"
                                    }, {
                                        "label": "HEAD",
                                        "value": "HEAD"
                                    }, {
                                        "label": "OPTIONS",
                                        "value": "OPTIONS"
                                    }, {
                                        "label": "TRACE",
                                        "value": "TRACE"
                                    }, {
                                        "label": "PATCH",
                                        "value": "PATCH"
                                    "group": "common",
                                    "javaType": "java.lang.String",
                                    "kind": "parameter",
                                    "labelHint": "The specific http method to execute.",
                                    "required": false,
                                    "secret": false,
                                    "type": "string"
                                "path": {
                                    "deprecated": false,
                                    "displayName": "URL Path",
                                    "group": "common",
                                    "javaType": "java.lang.String",
                                    "kind": "parameter",
                                    "labelHint": "Endpoint Path (eg '/path/to/endpoint')",
                                    "required": false,
                                    "secret": false,
                                    "type": "string"
                    "id": "io.syndesis.connector:connector-http:https-invoke-url",
                    "name": "Invoke URL",
                    "pattern": "To"
                }, {
                    "actionType": "connector",
                    "description": "Periodically invoke an http endpoint URL",
                    "descriptor": {
                        "connectorCustomizers": ["io.syndesis.connector.http.HttpConnectorCustomizer"],
                        "connectorFactory": "io.syndesis.connector.http.HttpConnectorFactories$Https",
                        "inputDataShape": {
                            "kind": "none"
                        "outputDataShape": {
                            "kind": "any"
                        "propertyDefinitionSteps": [{
                            "description": "properties",
                            "name": "properties",
                            "properties": {
                                "httpMethod": {
                                    "defaultValue": "GET",
                                    "deprecated": false,
                                    "displayName": "Http Method",
                                    "enum": [{
                                        "label": "GET",
                                        "value": "GET"
                                    }, {
                                        "label": "PUT",
                                        "value": "PUT"
                                    }, {
                                        "label": "POST",
                                        "value": "POST"
                                    }, {
                                        "label": "DELETE",
                                        "value": "DELETE"
                                    }, {
                                        "label": "HEAD",
                                        "value": "HEAD"
                                    }, {
                                        "label": "OPTIONS",
                                        "value": "OPTIONS"
                                    }, {
                                        "label": "TRACE",
                                        "value": "TRACE"
                                    }, {
                                        "label": "PATCH",
                                        "value": "PATCH"
                                    "group": "common",
                                    "javaType": "java.lang.String",
                                    "kind": "parameter",
                                    "labelHint": "The specific http method to execute.",
                                    "required": false,
                                    "secret": false,
                                    "type": "string"
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                                    "deprecated": false,
                                    "displayName": "URL Path",
                                    "group": "common",
                                    "javaType": "java.lang.String",
                                    "kind": "parameter",
                                    "labelHint": "Endpoint Path",
                                    "placeholder": "eg '/path/to/endpoint'",
                                    "required": false,
                                    "secret": false,
                                    "type": "string"
                                "schedulerExpression": {
                                    "defaultValue": 1800000,
                                    "deprecated": false,
                                    "displayName": "Period",
                                    "group": "consumer",
                                    "javaType": "long",
                                    "kind": "parameter",
                                    "labelHint": "Delay between scheduling (executing).",
                                    "required": false,
                                    "secret": false,
                                    "type": "duration"
                    "id": "io.syndesis.connector:connector-http:https-periodic-invoke-url",
                    "name": "Periodic invoke URL",
                    "pattern": "From"
                "componentScheme": "https",
                "configuredProperties": {
                    "headerFilterStrategy": "syndesisHeaderStrategy"
                "dependencies": [{
                    "id": "io.syndesis.connector:connector-http:2.0-SNAPSHOT",
                    "type": "MAVEN"
                "description": "Invoke various HTTPS methods.",
                "icon": "assets:https.svg",
                "id": "https",
                "name": "HTTPS",
                "properties": {
                    "baseUrl": {
                        "deprecated": false,
                        "displayName": "Base URL",
                        "group": "common",
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                        "kind": "parameter",
                        "labelHint": "Base Http Endpoint URL",
                        "placeholder": "eg ''",
                        "required": true,
                        "secret": false,
                        "type": "string"
                "tags": ["verifier"],
                "version": 14
            "connectorId": "https",
            "createdDate": 1622804931198,
            "description": "Invoke various HTTPS methods.",
            "icon": "assets:https.svg",
            "id": "i-MbLhX8zbX9wCwP3FX4nz",
            "isDerived": false,
            "lastUpdated": 1622804931198,
            "name": "store-kafka",
            "userId": "someone_important",
            "uses": 0
    "connectors": {
        ":https": {
            "actions": [{
                "actionType": "connector",
                "description": "Invoke an http endpoint URL",
                "descriptor": {
                    "connectorFactory": "io.syndesis.connector.http.HttpConnectorFactories$Https",
                    "inputDataShape": {
                        "kind": "any"
                    "outputDataShape": {
                        "kind": "any"
                    "propertyDefinitionSteps": [{
                        "description": "properties",
                        "name": "properties",
                        "properties": {
                            "httpMethod": {
                                "defaultValue": "GET",
                                "deprecated": false,
                                "displayName": "Http Method",
                                "enum": [{
                                    "label": "GET",
                                    "value": "GET"
                                }, {
                                    "label": "PUT",
                                    "value": "PUT"
                                }, {
                                    "label": "POST",
                                    "value": "POST"
                                }, {
                                    "label": "DELETE",
                                    "value": "DELETE"
                                }, {
                                    "label": "HEAD",
                                    "value": "HEAD"
                                }, {
                                    "label": "OPTIONS",
                                    "value": "OPTIONS"
                                }, {
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                                    "value": "TRACE"
                                }, {
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                                    "value": "PATCH"
                                "group": "common",
                                "javaType": "java.lang.String",
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                                "required": false,
                                "secret": false,
                                "type": "string"
                "id": "io.syndesis.connector:connector-http:https-invoke-url",
                "name": "Invoke URL",
                "pattern": "To"
            }, {
                "actionType": "connector",
                "description": "Periodically invoke an http endpoint URL",
                "descriptor": {
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                    "connectorFactory": "io.syndesis.connector.http.HttpConnectorFactories$Https",
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                        "kind": "none"
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                        "kind": "any"
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                        "name": "properties",
                        "properties": {
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                                "defaultValue": "GET",
                                "deprecated": false,
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                                    "label": "GET",
                                    "value": "GET"
                                }, {
                                    "label": "PUT",
                                    "value": "PUT"
                                }, {
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                                    "value": "POST"
                                }, {
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                                    "value": "DELETE"
                                }, {
                                    "label": "HEAD",
                                    "value": "HEAD"
                                }, {
                                    "label": "OPTIONS",
                                    "value": "OPTIONS"
                                }, {
                                    "label": "TRACE",
                                    "value": "TRACE"
                                }, {
                                    "label": "PATCH",
                                    "value": "PATCH"
                                "group": "common",
                                "javaType": "java.lang.String",
                                "kind": "parameter",
                                "labelHint": "The specific http method to execute.",
                                "required": false,
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                                "kind": "parameter",
                                "labelHint": "Endpoint Path",
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                                "required": false,
                                "secret": false,
                                "type": "string"
                            "schedulerExpression": {
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                                "deprecated": false,
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                                "group": "consumer",
                                "javaType": "long",
                                "kind": "parameter",
                                "labelHint": "Delay between scheduling (executing).",
                                "required": false,
                                "secret": false,
                                "type": "duration"
                "id": "io.syndesis.connector:connector-http:https-periodic-invoke-url",
                "name": "Periodic invoke URL",
                "pattern": "From"
            "componentScheme": "https",
            "configuredProperties": {
                "headerFilterStrategy": "syndesisHeaderStrategy"
            "dependencies": [{
                "id": "io.syndesis.connector:connector-http:2.0-SNAPSHOT",
                "type": "MAVEN"
            "description": "Invoke various HTTPS methods.",
            "icon": "assets:https.svg",
            "id": "https",
            "name": "HTTPS",
            "properties": {
                "baseUrl": {
                    "deprecated": false,
                    "displayName": "Base URL",
                    "group": "common",
                    "javaType": "java.lang.String",
                    "kind": "parameter",
                    "labelHint": "Base Http Endpoint URL",
                    "placeholder": "eg ''",
                    "required": true,
                    "secret": false,
                    "type": "string"
            "tags": ["verifier"],
            "version": 14
        ":kafka": {
            "actions": [{
                "actionType": "connector",
                "description": "Publish data to the Kafka topic that you select.",
                "descriptor": {
                    "inputDataShape": {
                        "kind": "any"
                    "outputDataShape": {
                        "kind": "none"
                    "propertyDefinitionSteps": [{
                        "description": "Specify Kafka topic name",
                        "name": "Select the Kafka topic",
                        "properties": {
                            "topic": {
                                "componentProperty": false,
                                "deprecated": false,
                                "displayName": "Topic Name",
                                "group": "common",
                                "javaType": "java.lang.String",
                                "kind": "path",
                                "labelHint": "Select the Kafka topic to send data to.",
                                "order": 1,
                                "required": true,
                                "secret": false,
                                "type": "dataList"
                "id": "io.syndesis:kafka-publish-action",
                "name": "Publish",
                "pattern": "To",
                "tags": ["dynamic"]
            }, {
                "actionType": "connector",
                "description": "Receive data from the Kafka topic that you select.",
                "descriptor": {
                    "inputDataShape": {
                        "kind": "none"
                    "outputDataShape": {
                        "kind": "any"
                    "propertyDefinitionSteps": [{
                        "description": "Select the Kafka topic name",
                        "name": "Select the Kafka topic",
                        "properties": {
                            "topic": {
                                "componentProperty": false,
                                "deprecated": false,
                                "displayName": "Topic Name",
                                "group": "common",
                                "javaType": "java.lang.String",
                                "kind": "path",
                                "labelHint": "Select the Kafka topic to receive data from.",
                                "order": 1,
                                "required": true,
                                "secret": false,
                                "type": "dataList"
                "id": "io.syndesis:kafka-subscribe-action",
                "name": "Subscribe",
                "pattern": "From",
                "tags": ["dynamic"]
            "componentScheme": "kafka",
            "connectorCustomizers": ["io.syndesis.connector.kafka.KafkaConnectionCustomizer"],
            "dependencies": [{
                "id": "io.syndesis.connector:connector-kafka:2.0-SNAPSHOT",
                "type": "MAVEN"
            "description": "Subscribe for and publish messages",
            "icon": "assets:kafka.svg",
            "id": "kafka",
            "name": "Kafka Message Broker",
            "properties": {
                "brokerCertificate": {
                    "componentProperty": true,
                    "deprecated": false,
                    "displayName": "Broker certificate",
                    "group": "common,security",
                    "javaType": "java.lang.String",
                    "kind": "property",
                    "label": "security",
                    "labelHint": "TLS broker certificate",
                    "order": 3,
                    "required": false,
                    "secret": false,
                    "type": "textarea"
                "brokers": {
                    "componentProperty": true,
                    "deprecated": false,
                    "displayName": "Kafka Broker URIs",
                    "group": "common",
                    "javaType": "java.lang.String",
                    "kind": "property",
                    "label": "common",
                    "labelHint": "Comma separated list of Kafka broker URIs in the form host:port",
                    "order": 1,
                    "required": true,
                    "secret": false,
                    "type": "typeahead"
                "extraOptions": {
                    "arrayDefinition": {
                        "key": {
                            "displayName": "Key",
                            "type": "text"
                        "value": {
                            "displayName": "Value",
                            "type": "text"
                    "arrayDefinitionOptions": {
                        "i18nAddElementText": "Add",
                        "minElements": 0
                    "componentProperty": true,
                    "deprecated": false,
                    "displayName": "Extra Options",
                    "group": "common",
                    "javaType": "java.util.List",
                    "kind": "property",
                    "label": "common",
                    "labelHint": "Extra Options for the Kafka connection.",
                    "order": 4,
                    "type": "array"
                "transportProtocol": {
                    "componentProperty": true,
                    "defaultValue": "PLAINTEXT",
                    "deprecated": false,
                    "displayName": "Transport Protocol",
                    "enum": [{
                        "label": "PLAIN",
                        "value": "PLAINTEXT"
                    }, {
                        "label": "TLS",
                        "value": "SSL"
                    "group": "common,security",
                    "javaType": "java.lang.String",
                    "kind": "property",
                    "label": "security",
                    "labelHint": "The transport protocol. Select TLS for encryption in transit.",
                    "order": 2,
                    "required": true,
                    "secret": false,
                    "type": "string"
            "tags": ["dynamic", "verifier"],
            "version": 14
    "integrations": {
        ":i-MbLirmYbX9wCwP3FX4pz": {
            "createdAt": 1622805281955,
            "flows": [{
                "id": "-MbLhXzORECn7U95fZUC",
                "steps": [{
                    "action": {
                        "actionType": "connector",
                        "description": "Receive data from the Kafka topic that you select.",
                        "descriptor": {
                            "inputDataShape": {
                                "kind": "none"
                            "outputDataShape": {
                                "kind": "json-instance",
                                "metadata": {
                                    "userDefined": "true"
                                "name": "kafka服务端出参",
                                "specification": "{\"gj_system\":\"api_error_call\",\"message\":\"web_yaojisong,cart,/cart/api/cart/settle\",\"host\":[\"gateway-5cdc7c8784-79gxm\"],\"logger_name\":\"com.cowell.web.filter.CowellSendErrorFilter\",\"@version\":1,\"thread_name\":\"XNIO-2 task-446\",\"type\":\"syslog\",\"cluster_number\":\"k8s-test-tencent-01\",\"X-Span-Export\":\"true\",\"@timestamp\":\"2021-06-04T10:18:02.763Z\",\"level_value\":20000,\"level\":\"INFO\",\"X-B3-ParentSpanId\":\"65d4b56cbcf7cfa9\",\"env\":\"test\",\"version\":\"\",\"instance_name\":[\"gateway-5cdc7c8784-79gxm\"],\"X-B3-SpanId\":\"5cbb73511cea0301\",\"channel\":\"web_yaojisong\",\"uri\":\"/cart/api/cart/settle\",\"app_port\":\"8080\",\"request_method\":\"\",\"appName\":\"cart\",\"X-B3-TraceId\":\"785b7c36dceee8af65d4b56cbcf7cfa9\",\"app_name\":\"gateway\"}"
                            "propertyDefinitionSteps": [{
                                "description": "Select the Kafka topic name",
                                "name": "Select the Kafka topic",
                                "properties": {
                                    "topic": {
                                        "componentProperty": false,
                                        "deprecated": false,
                                        "displayName": "Topic Name",
                                        "group": "common",
                                        "javaType": "java.lang.String",
                                        "kind": "path",
                                        "labelHint": "Select the Kafka topic to receive data from.",
                                        "order": 1,
                                        "required": true,
                                        "secret": false,
                                        "type": "dataList"
                        "id": "io.syndesis:kafka-subscribe-action",
                        "name": "Subscribe",
                        "pattern": "From",
                        "tags": ["dynamic"]
                    "configuredProperties": {
                        "topic": "ELK_API_EXCEPTION"
                    "connection": {
                        "configuredProperties": {
                            "brokers": ",,",
                            "extraOptions": "[]",
                            "transportProtocol": "PLAINTEXT"
                        "connector": {
                            "actions": [{
                                "actionType": "connector",
                                "description": "Publish data to the Kafka topic that you select.",
                                "descriptor": {
                                    "inputDataShape": {
                                        "kind": "any"
                                    "outputDataShape": {
                                        "kind": "none"
                                    "propertyDefinitionSteps": [{
                                        "description": "Specify Kafka topic name",
                                        "name": "Select the Kafka topic",
                                        "properties": {
                                            "topic": {
                                                "componentProperty": false,
                                                "deprecated": false,
                                                "displayName": "Topic Name",
                                                "group": "common",
                                                "javaType": "java.lang.String",
                                                "kind": "path",
                                                "labelHint": "Select the Kafka topic to send data to.",
                                                "order": 1,
                                                "required": true,
                                                "secret": false,
                                                "type": "dataList"
                                "id": "io.syndesis:kafka-publish-action",
                                "name": "Publish",
                                "pattern": "To",
                                "tags": ["dynamic"]
                            }, {
                                "actionType": "connector",
                                "description": "Receive data from the Kafka topic that you select.",
                                "descriptor": {
                                    "inputDataShape": {
                                        "kind": "none"
                                    "outputDataShape": {
                                        "kind": "any"
                                    "propertyDefinitionSteps": [{
                                        "description": "Select the Kafka topic name",
                                        "name": "Select the Kafka topic",
                                        "properties": {
                                            "topic": {
                                                "componentProperty": false,
                                                "deprecated": false,
                                                "displayName": "Topic Name",
                                                "group": "common",
                                                "javaType": "java.lang.String",
                                                "kind": "path",
                                                "labelHint": "Select the Kafka topic to receive data from.",
                                                "order": 1,
                                                "required": true,
                                                "secret": false,
                                                "type": "dataList"
                                "id": "io.syndesis:kafka-subscribe-action",
                                "name": "Subscribe",
                                "pattern": "From",
                                "tags": ["dynamic"]
                            "componentScheme": "kafka",
                            "connectorCustomizers": ["io.syndesis.connector.kafka.KafkaConnectionCustomizer"],
                            "dependencies": [{
                                "id": "io.syndesis.connector:connector-kafka:2.0-SNAPSHOT",
                                "type": "MAVEN"
                            "description": "Subscribe for and publish messages",
                            "icon": "assets:kafka.svg",
                            "id": "kafka",
                            "name": "Kafka Message Broker",
                            "properties": {
                                "brokerCertificate": {
                                    "componentProperty": true,
                                    "deprecated": false,
                                    "displayName": "Broker certificate",
                                    "group": "common,security",
                                    "javaType": "java.lang.String",
                                    "kind": "property",
                                    "label": "security",
                                    "labelHint": "TLS broker certificate",
                                    "order": 3,
                                    "required": false,
                                    "secret": false,
                                    "type": "textarea"
                                "brokers": {
                                    "componentProperty": true,
                                    "deprecated": false,
                                    "displayName": "Kafka Broker URIs",
                                    "group": "common",
                                    "javaType": "java.lang.String",
                                    "kind": "property",
                                    "label": "common",
                                    "labelHint": "Comma separated list of Kafka broker URIs in the form host:port",
                                    "order": 1,
                                    "required": true,
                                    "secret": false,
                                    "type": "typeahead"
                                "extraOptions": {
                                    "arrayDefinition": {
                                        "key": {
                                            "displayName": "Key",
                                            "type": "text"
                                        "value": {
                                            "displayName": "Value",
                                            "type": "text"
                                    "arrayDefinitionOptions": {
                                        "i18nAddElementText": "Add",
                                        "minElements": 0
                                    "componentProperty": true,
                                    "deprecated": false,
                                    "displayName": "Extra Options",
                                    "group": "common",
                                    "javaType": "java.util.List",
                                    "kind": "property",
                                    "label": "common",
                                    "labelHint": "Extra Options for the Kafka connection.",
                                    "order": 4,
                                    "type": "array"
                                "transportProtocol": {
                                    "componentProperty": true,
                                    "defaultValue": "PLAINTEXT",
                                    "deprecated": false,
                                    "displayName": "Transport Protocol",
                                    "enum": [{
                                        "label": "PLAIN",
                                        "value": "PLAINTEXT"
                                    }, {
                                        "label": "TLS",
                                        "value": "SSL"
                                    "group": "common,security",
                                    "javaType": "java.lang.String",
                                    "kind": "property",
                                    "label": "security",
                                    "labelHint": "The transport protocol. Select TLS for encryption in transit.",
                                    "order": 2,
                                    "required": true,
                                    "secret": false,
                                    "type": "string"
                            "tags": ["dynamic", "verifier"],
                            "version": 14
                        "connectorId": "kafka",
                        "createdDate": 1622700650276,
                        "description": "Subscribe for and publish messages",
                        "icon": "assets:kafka.svg",
                        "id": "i-MbFUiwa55rqfTUoRIMsz",
                        "isDerived": false,
                        "lastUpdated": 1622700650276,
                        "name": "测试环境的kafka",
                        "userId": "someone_important",
                        "uses": 0
                    "id": "-MbLiSy4RECn7U95fZUC",
                    "metadata": {
                        "configured": "true"
                    "stepKind": "endpoint"
                }, {
                    "action": {
                        "actionType": "step",
                        "descriptor": {
                            "inputDataShape": {
                                "kind": "any",
                                "name": "All preceding outputs"
                            "outputDataShape": {
                                "description": "application/json",
                                "kind": "json-instance",
                                "metadata": {
                                    "userDefined": "true"
                                "name": "store-kafka入参",
                                "specification": "{\"storeDtoOne\":\"xxx\",\"storeDtoThree\":\"xxx\",\"storeDtoTwo\":\"xxx\"}"
                    "configuredProperties": {
                        "atlasmapping": "{\"AtlasMapping\":{\"jsonType\":\"io.atlasmap.v2.AtlasMapping\",\"dataSource\":[{\"jsonType\":\"io.atlasmap.json.v2.JsonDataSource\",\"id\":\"-MbLiSy4RECn7U95fZUC\",\"name\":\"1 - kafka服务端出参\",\"description\":\"-MbLiSy4RECn7U95fZUC\",\"uri\":\"atlas:json:-MbLiSy4RECn7U95fZUC\",\"dataSourceType\":\"SOURCE\"},{\"jsonType\":\"io.atlasmap.json.v2.JsonDataSource\",\"id\":\"-MbLidI4RECn7U95fZUC\",\"name\":\"2 - store-kafka入参\",\"description\":\"application/json\",\"uri\":\"atlas:json:-MbLidI4RECn7U95fZUC\",\"dataSourceType\":\"TARGET\",\"template\":null}],\"mappings\":{\"mapping\":[{\"jsonType\":\"io.atlasmap.v2.Mapping\",\"id\":\"mapping.833951\",\"inputField\":[{\"jsonType\":\"io.atlasmap.json.v2.JsonField\",\"name\":\"type\",\"path\":\"/type\",\"fieldType\":\"STRING\",\"docId\":\"-MbLiSy4RECn7U95fZUC\",\"userCreated\":false}],\"outputField\":[{\"jsonType\":\"io.atlasmap.json.v2.JsonField\",\"name\":\"storeDtoOne\",\"path\":\"/storeDtoOne\",\"fieldType\":\"STRING\",\"docId\":\"-MbLidI4RECn7U95fZUC\",\"userCreated\":false}]},{\"jsonType\":\"io.atlasmap.v2.Mapping\",\"id\":\"mapping.980376\",\"inputField\":[{\"jsonType\":\"io.atlasmap.json.v2.JsonField\",\"name\":\"uri\",\"path\":\"/uri\",\"fieldType\":\"STRING\",\"docId\":\"-MbLiSy4RECn7U95fZUC\",\"userCreated\":false}],\"outputField\":[{\"jsonType\":\"io.atlasmap.json.v2.JsonField\",\"name\":\"storeDtoThree\",\"path\":\"/storeDtoThree\",\"fieldType\":\"STRING\",\"docId\":\"-MbLidI4RECn7U95fZUC\",\"userCreated\":false}]},{\"jsonType\":\"io.atlasmap.v2.Mapping\",\"id\":\"mapping.387849\",\"inputField\":[{\"jsonType\":\"io.atlasmap.json.v2.JsonField\",\"name\":\"version\",\"path\":\"/version\",\"fieldType\":\"STRING\",\"docId\":\"-MbLiSy4RECn7U95fZUC\",\"userCreated\":false}],\"outputField\":[{\"jsonType\":\"io.atlasmap.json.v2.JsonField\",\"name\":\"storeDtoTwo\",\"path\":\"/storeDtoTwo\",\"fieldType\":\"STRING\",\"docId\":\"-MbLidI4RECn7U95fZUC\",\"userCreated\":false}]}]},\"name\":\"UI.0\",\"lookupTables\":{\"lookupTable\":[]},\"constants\":{\"constant\":[]},\"properties\":{\"property\":[]}}}"
                    "id": "-MbLihztRECn7U95fZUC",
                    "metadata": {
                        "configured": "true"
                    "name": "Data Mapper",
                    "stepKind": "mapper"
                }, {
                    "action": {
                        "actionType": "connector",
                        "description": "Invoke an http endpoint URL",
                        "descriptor": {
                            "connectorFactory": "io.syndesis.connector.http.HttpConnectorFactories$Https",
                            "inputDataShape": {
                                "description": "application/json",
                                "kind": "json-instance",
                                "metadata": {
                                    "userDefined": "true"
                                "name": "store-kafka入参",
                                "specification": "{\"storeDtoOne\":\"xxx\",\"storeDtoThree\":\"xxx\",\"storeDtoTwo\":\"xxx\"}"
                            "outputDataShape": {
                                "kind": "any"
                            "propertyDefinitionSteps": [{
                                "description": "properties",
                                "name": "properties",
                                "properties": {
                                    "httpMethod": {
                                        "defaultValue": "GET",
                                        "deprecated": false,
                                        "displayName": "Http Method",
                                        "enum": [{
                                            "label": "GET",
                                            "value": "GET"
                                        }, {
                                            "label": "PUT",
                                            "value": "PUT"
                                        }, {
                                            "label": "POST",
                                            "value": "POST"
                                        }, {
                                            "label": "DELETE",
                                            "value": "DELETE"
                                        }, {
                                            "label": "HEAD",
                                            "value": "HEAD"
                                        }, {
                                            "label": "OPTIONS",
                                            "value": "OPTIONS"
                                        }, {
                                            "label": "TRACE",
                                            "value": "TRACE"
                                        }, {
                                            "label": "PATCH",
                                            "value": "PATCH"
                                        "group": "common",
                                        "javaType": "java.lang.String",
                                        "kind": "parameter",
                                        "labelHint": "The specific http method to execute.",
                                        "required": false,
                                        "secret": false,
                                        "type": "string"
                                    "path": {
                                        "deprecated": false,
                                        "displayName": "URL Path",
                                        "group": "common",
                                        "javaType": "java.lang.String",
                                        "kind": "parameter",
                                        "labelHint": "Endpoint Path (eg '/path/to/endpoint')",
                                        "required": false,
                                        "secret": false,
                                        "type": "string"
                        "id": "io.syndesis.connector:connector-http:https-invoke-url",
                        "name": "Invoke URL",
                        "pattern": "To"
                    "configuredProperties": {
                        "httpMethod": "POST"
                    "connection": {
                        "configuredProperties": {
                            "baseUrl": ""
                        "connector": {
                            "actions": [{
                                "actionType": "connector",
                                "description": "Invoke an http endpoint URL",
                                "descriptor": {
                                    "connectorFactory": "io.syndesis.connector.http.HttpConnectorFactories$Https",
                                    "inputDataShape": {
                                        "kind": "any"
                                    "outputDataShape": {
                                        "kind": "any"
                                    "propertyDefinitionSteps": [{
                                        "description": "properties",
                                        "name": "properties",
                                        "properties": {
                                            "httpMethod": {
                                                "defaultValue": "GET",
                                                "deprecated": false,
                                                "displayName": "Http Method",
                                                "enum": [{
                                                    "label": "GET",
                                                    "value": "GET"
                                                }, {
                                                    "label": "PUT",
                                                    "value": "PUT"
                                                }, {
                                                    "label": "POST",
                                                    "value": "POST"
                                                }, {
                                                    "label": "DELETE",
                                                    "value": "DELETE"
                                                }, {
                                                    "label": "HEAD",
                                                    "value": "HEAD"
                                                }, {
                                                    "label": "OPTIONS",
                                                    "value": "OPTIONS"
                                                }, {
                                                    "label": "TRACE",
                                                    "value": "TRACE"
                                                }, {
                                                    "label": "PATCH",
                                                    "value": "PATCH"
                                                "group": "common",
                                                "javaType": "java.lang.String",
                                                "kind": "parameter",
                                                "labelHint": "The specific http method to execute.",
                                                "required": false,
                                                "secret": false,
                                                "type": "string"
                                            "path": {
                                                "deprecated": false,
                                                "displayName": "URL Path",
                                                "group": "common",
                                                "javaType": "java.lang.String",
                                                "kind": "parameter",
                                                "labelHint": "Endpoint Path (eg '/path/to/endpoint')",
                                                "required": false,
                                                "secret": false,
                                                "type": "string"
                                "id": "io.syndesis.connector:connector-http:https-invoke-url",
                                "name": "Invoke URL",
                                "pattern": "To"
                            }, {
                                "actionType": "connector",
                                "description": "Periodically invoke an http endpoint URL",
                                "descriptor": {
                                    "connectorCustomizers": ["io.syndesis.connector.http.HttpConnectorCustomizer"],
                                    "connectorFactory": "io.syndesis.connector.http.HttpConnectorFactories$Https",
                                    "inputDataShape": {
                                        "kind": "none"
                                    "outputDataShape": {
                                        "kind": "any"
                                    "propertyDefinitionSteps": [{
                                        "description": "properties",
                                        "name": "properties",
                                        "properties": {
                                            "httpMethod": {
                                                "defaultValue": "GET",
                                                "deprecated": false,
                                                "displayName": "Http Method",
                                                "enum": [{
                                                    "label": "GET",
                                                    "value": "GET"
                                                }, {
                                                    "label": "PUT",
                                                    "value": "PUT"
                                                }, {
                                                    "label": "POST",
                                                    "value": "POST"
                                                }, {
                                                    "label": "DELETE",
                                                    "value": "DELETE"
                                                }, {
                                                    "label": "HEAD",
                                                    "value": "HEAD"
                                                }, {
                                                    "label": "OPTIONS",
                                                    "value": "OPTIONS"
                                                }, {
                                                    "label": "TRACE",
                                                    "value": "TRACE"
                                                }, {
                                                    "label": "PATCH",
                                                    "value": "PATCH"
                                                "group": "common",
                                                "javaType": "java.lang.String",
                                                "kind": "parameter",
                                                "labelHint": "The specific http method to execute.",
                                                "required": false,
                                                "secret": false,
                                                "type": "string"
                                            "path": {
                                                "deprecated": false,
                                                "displayName": "URL Path",
                                                "group": "common",
                                                "javaType": "java.lang.String",
                                                "kind": "parameter",
                                                "labelHint": "Endpoint Path",
                                                "placeholder": "eg '/path/to/endpoint'",
                                                "required": false,
                                                "secret": false,
                                                "type": "string"
                                            "schedulerExpression": {
                                                "defaultValue": 1800000,
                                                "deprecated": false,
                                                "displayName": "Period",
                                                "group": "consumer",
                                                "javaType": "long",
                                                "kind": "parameter",
                                                "labelHint": "Delay between scheduling (executing).",
                                                "required": false,
                                                "secret": false,
                                                "type": "duration"
                                "id": "io.syndesis.connector:connector-http:https-periodic-invoke-url",
                                "name": "Periodic invoke URL",
                                "pattern": "From"
                            "componentScheme": "https",
                            "configuredProperties": {
                                "headerFilterStrategy": "syndesisHeaderStrategy"
                            "dependencies": [{
                                "id": "io.syndesis.connector:connector-http:2.0-SNAPSHOT",
                                "type": "MAVEN"
                            "description": "Invoke various HTTPS methods.",
                            "icon": "assets:https.svg",
                            "id": "https",
                            "name": "HTTPS",
                            "properties": {
                                "baseUrl": {
                                    "deprecated": false,
                                    "displayName": "Base URL",
                                    "group": "common",
                                    "javaType": "java.lang.String",
                                    "kind": "parameter",
                                    "labelHint": "Base Http Endpoint URL",
                                    "placeholder": "eg ''",
                                    "required": true,
                                    "secret": false,
                                    "type": "string"
                            "tags": ["verifier"],
                            "version": 14
                        "connectorId": "https",
                        "createdDate": 1622804931198,
                        "description": "Invoke various HTTPS methods.",
                        "icon": "assets:https.svg",
                        "id": "i-MbLhX8zbX9wCwP3FX4nz",
                        "isDerived": false,
                        "lastUpdated": 1622804931198,
                        "name": "store-kafka",
                        "userId": "someone_important",
                        "uses": 0
                    "id": "-MbLidI4RECn7U95fZUC",
                    "metadata": {
                        "configured": "true"
                    "stepKind": "endpoint"
                "tags": ["i-MbFUiwa55rqfTUoRIMsz", "i-MbLhX8zbX9wCwP3FX4nz"],
                "type": "PRIMARY"
            "id": "i-MbLirmYbX9wCwP3FX4pz",
            "name": "store-kafka-001",
            "tags": ["https", "kafka"],
            "updatedAt": 0,
            "version": 1

The error is:

org.apache.camel.FailedToCreateRouteException: Failed to create route -MbLhXzORECn7U95fZUC: Route(-MbLhXzORECn7U95fZUC)[From[kafka-0-0-i-MbLirmYbX9wCwP3... because of No endpoint could be found for: kafka-kafka-0-0-i-MbLirmYbX9wCwP3FX4pz, please check your classpath contains the needed Camel component jar.
    at org.apache.camel.reifier.RouteReifier.createRoute( ~[camel-core-engine-3.4.4.jar:3.4.4]
    at org.apache.camel.impl.DefaultCamelContext.startRouteDefinitions( ~[camel-core-engine-3.4.4.jar:3.4.4]
    at org.apache.camel.impl.DefaultCamelContext.startRouteDefinitions( ~[camel-core-engine-3.4.4.jar:3.4.4]
    at org.apache.camel.impl.engine.AbstractCamelContext.doInit( ~[camel-base-3.4.4.jar:3.4.4]
    at ~[camel-api-3.4.4.jar:3.4.4]
    at org.apache.camel.impl.engine.AbstractCamelContext.init( ~[camel-base-3.4.4.jar:3.4.4]
    at ~[camel-api-3.4.4.jar:3.4.4]
    at org.apache.camel.impl.engine.AbstractCamelContext.start( ~[camel-base-3.4.4.jar:3.4.4]
    at org.apache.camel.spring.SpringCamelContext.start( ~[camel-spring-3.4.4.jar:3.4.4]
    at org.apache.camel.spring.SpringCamelContext.onApplicationEvent( ~[camel-spring-3.4.4.jar:3.4.4]
    at org.springframework.context.event.SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster.doInvokeListener( ~[spring-context-5.2.9.RELEASE.jar:5.2.9.RELEASE]
    at org.springframework.context.event.SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster.invokeListener( ~[spring-context-5.2.9.RELEASE.jar:5.2.9.RELEASE]
    at org.springframework.context.event.SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster.multicastEvent( ~[spring-context-5.2.9.RELEASE.jar:5.2.9.RELEASE]
    at ~[spring-context-5.2.9.RELEASE.jar:5.2.9.RELEASE]
    at ~[spring-context-5.2.9.RELEASE.jar:5.2.9.RELEASE]
    at ~[spring-context-5.2.9.RELEASE.jar:5.2.9.RELEASE]
    at ~[spring-context-5.2.9.RELEASE.jar:5.2.9.RELEASE]
    at org.springframework.boot.web.servlet.context.ServletWebServerApplicationContext.refresh( ~[spring-boot-2.3.4.RELEASE.jar:2.3.4.RELEASE]
    at org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication.refresh( ~[spring-boot-2.3.4.RELEASE.jar:2.3.4.RELEASE]
    at org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication.refresh( ~[spring-boot-2.3.4.RELEASE.jar:2.3.4.RELEASE]
    at org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication.refreshContext( ~[spring-boot-2.3.4.RELEASE.jar:2.3.4.RELEASE]
    at ~[spring-boot-2.3.4.RELEASE.jar:2.3.4.RELEASE]
    at ~[spring-boot-2.3.4.RELEASE.jar:2.3.4.RELEASE]
    at ~[spring-boot-2.3.4.RELEASE.jar:2.3.4.RELEASE]
    at io.syndesis.example.Application.main( ~[classes/:na]
Caused by: org.apache.camel.NoSuchEndpointException: No endpoint could be found for: kafka-kafka-0-0-i-MbLirmYbX9wCwP3FX4pz, please check your classpath contains the needed Camel component jar.
    at org.apache.camel.impl.engine.AbstractCamelContext.doGetEndpoint( ~[camel-base-3.4.4.jar:3.4.4]
    at org.apache.camel.impl.engine.AbstractCamelContext.getEndpoint( ~[camel-base-3.4.4.jar:3.4.4]
    at io.syndesis.integration.component.proxy.ComponentProxyComponent.createDelegateEndpoint( ~[integration-component-proxy-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:2.0-SNAPSHOT]
    at io.syndesis.integration.component.proxy.ComponentProxyComponent.createEndpoint( ~[integration-component-proxy-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:2.0-SNAPSHOT]
    at ~[camel-support-3.4.4.jar:3.4.4]
    at org.apache.camel.impl.engine.AbstractCamelContext.doGetEndpoint( ~[camel-base-3.4.4.jar:3.4.4]
    at org.apache.camel.impl.engine.AbstractCamelContext.getEndpoint( ~[camel-base-3.4.4.jar:3.4.4]
    at ~[camel-support-3.4.4.jar:3.4.4]
    at org.apache.camel.reifier.AbstractReifier.resolveEndpoint( ~[camel-core-engine-3.4.4.jar:3.4.4]
    at org.apache.camel.reifier.RouteReifier.doCreateRoute( ~[camel-core-engine-3.4.4.jar:3.4.4]
    at org.apache.camel.reifier.RouteReifier.createRoute( ~[camel-core-engine-3.4.4.jar:3.4.4]
    ... 24 common frames omitted




zregvart commented 3 years ago

This seems to be using version 2.x of Syndesis, which is not stable. Would you be willing to try with 1.x version instead?

suoxun commented 3 years ago

This seems to be using version 2.x of Syndesis, which is not stable. Would you be willing to try with 1.x version instead?

Because I took over other people's projects and continued to work, it is estimated that he should have used version 2. X before. The following is a screenshot of pom.xml under the app. Do you want to see if it is 2. X.


suoxun commented 3 years ago

This seems to be using version 2.x of Syndesis, which is not stable. Would you be willing to try with 1.x version instead?

Let me ask you a few more questions:

  1. If don't use the 1. X version, how can Kafka solve this problem

  2. If don't use the 1. X version, it's not just Kafka. Is there any other component connection problem

  3. If I want to use version 1. X, which specific version 1. X do you recommend

zregvart commented 3 years ago
  • If don't use the 1. X version, how can Kafka solve this problem

I sorry, I don't understand what you're asking here

  • If don't use the 1. X version, it's not just Kafka. Is there any other component connection problem

There is a great difference in how 2.x deploys and runs integrations compared to 1.x, and because of that almost all connectors could be affected. To what extend it is hard to tell (for me).

  • If I want to use version 1. X, which specific version 1. X do you recommend

Use the latest non-prerelease 1.x version, which at the moment is 1.11, I think we're close to releasing 1.12 as well. This URL should point to a stable version:

suoxun commented 3 years ago
  • If don't use the 1. X version, how can Kafka solve this problem

I sorry, I don't understand what you're asking here

  • If don't use the 1. X version, it's not just Kafka. Is there any other component connection problem

There is a great difference in how 2.x deploys and runs integrations compared to 1.x, and because of that almost all connectors could be affected. To what extend it is hard to tell (for me).

  • If I want to use version 1. X, which specific version 1. X do you recommend

Use the latest non-prerelease 1.x version, which at the moment is 1.11, I think we're close to releasing 1.12 as well. This URL should point to a stable version:

If I use the 1.x version, do you think it will be a problem to create a kafka integration?

zregvart commented 3 years ago

If I use the 1.x version, do you think it will be a problem to create a kafka integration?

The issue here seems to be in publishing and running the route, this should not be an issue on 1.x.

suoxun commented 3 years ago

If I use the 1.x version, do you think it will be a problem to create a kafka integration?

The issue here seems to be in publishing and running the route, this should not be an issue on 1.x.

thank you very much

zregvart commented 3 years ago

I’m closing this feel free to reopen or create a followup issue if you think something was left out.