synesthesiam / rhasspy

Rhasspy voice assistant for offline home automation
MIT License
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Kaldi Active Grammer Implementation #203

Open varungujjar opened 4 years ago

varungujjar commented 4 years ago

Have been working on this my osx recently works great.. they have support for win/mac/linux and see the accuracy is amazing also the impletementation is pretty straightforward as deepspeech and works out of the box without the hasle of installing kaldi is anyone aware of this yet.. ? should we think of add this ?

synesthesiam commented 4 years ago

This would be perfect for toggling intents on and off. Rhasspy does this in the NLU system, but the ASR can still listen for invalid intents. With active grammars, we could simply have a grammar per intent.

@mathquis has also been looking into using Kaldi's grammars for named entities/slots. I wonder if these two approaches can be merged?