synesthesiam / rhasspy

Rhasspy voice assistant for offline home automation
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TTS - External bluetooth speaker #233

Open sffranke opened 4 years ago

sffranke commented 4 years ago

Hi all, I am able to play audio on an external BT speaker from node red and from the console using aplay. I see no error message and the log just says its played.

[DEBUG:3846168] PicoTTSSentenceSpeaker: speaking -> ready [DEBUG:3843747] APlayAudioPlayer: ['aplay', '-q'] [DEBUG:3843746] PicoTTSSentenceSpeaker: ready -> speaking [DEBUG:3843621] PicoTTSSentenceSpeaker: ['pico2wave', '-w', '/tmp/tmpdmvsiyvo.wav', '-l', 'de-DE', 'wie lautet die Antwort auf die letzte aller Fragen?'] [INFO:3726233] quart.serving: POST /api/text-to-speech 1.1 200 31 2695711

Initiated through rhasspy audio is send to the audio jack. I have no idea what I can do. Using the console pico2wave --lang=de-DE --wave=/tmp/test.wav "Guten Morgen"; aplay -D default /tmp/test.wav just works fine. Anybody has a hint for me how to tell Rhasspy to use the external bluetooth speaker?

Romkabouter commented 4 years ago

I see you use -D default when using aplay. Try it without and see if it work, most probably it will not. When using -D, you force a device. But you default device might actually not be the system default