SQLUI Native (sqluinative) is a simple UI client for most SQL Engines written in Electron. It is compatible with Windows, Mac, Ubuntu / Debian and Redhat. It supports most dialects of RMBDs like MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Postgres, SQLite and has limited supports for Cassandra, MongoDB, Redis, CockroachDB, Azure CosmosDB and Azure Storage Tab
for await (const key of client.scanIterator(iteratorParams)) {
name: key,
columns: [],
if(res.length === 15){
// top it off at max records
This is iffy, not sure if it's a good idea to support and if it is, should it be done as a map for table vs columns?
Sample PR code
The code for this is ready here, but will not merge until we can find a better UX. https://github.com/synle/sqlui-native/pull/331/files
Sample code used to scan the iterator