Closed koxo closed 3 years ago
Hi, I'm trying the beta test version of Delphi 10.5 Olympus. There is a problem with "SynCommons.pas". The System.Classes TMempryStream has been modify :
{ TMemoryStream } TMemoryStream = class(TCustomMemoryStream) private FCapacity: NativeInt; protected procedure SetCapacity(NewCapacity: NativeInt); virtual; function Realloc(var NewCapacity: NativeInt): Pointer; virtual; property Capacity: NativeInt read FCapacity write SetCapacity; public destructor Destroy; override; procedure Clear; procedure LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream); procedure LoadFromFile(const FileName: string); procedure SetSize(const NewSize: Int64); override; procedure SetSize(NewSize: Longint); override; function Write(const Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint; override; end;
Realloc Function must be modify too (LongInt --> NativeInt) :
function THeapMemoryStream.Realloc(var NewCapacity: NativeInt): Pointer;
Best regards
Please try with a more recent version of mORMot.
I already fixed that a few weeks ago, if I remember correctly.
I guess it is fixed in the main mORMot but not in SynPdf.
Hi, I'm trying the beta test version of Delphi 10.5 Olympus. There is a problem with "SynCommons.pas". The System.Classes TMempryStream has been modify :
Realloc Function must be modify too (LongInt --> NativeInt) :
function THeapMemoryStream.Realloc(var NewCapacity: NativeInt): Pointer;
Best regards