syntagmatic / parallel-coordinates

A d3-based parallel coordinates plot in canvas. This library is no longer actively developed.
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Label and value properly represented #271

Open sergionegri opened 8 years ago

sergionegri commented 8 years ago

Hello and thank you for this great library.

I hope I'm missing something. I'd like to plot on an axis the label (as a string) that is tied to a specific value. My data would have to be structured like:

[{"Objective":{"label": "First Obj", "value":110}, "Benefit":"First Benefit"}, {"Objective":{"label": "Second Obj", "value":100}, "Benefit":"Second Benefit"}, {"Objective":{"label": "Third Obj", "value":20}, "Benefit":"Second Benefit"} ]

So in the first column I'd have the objectives ordered according to their value, with the first close to the second, and the third much lower. But instead of showing the value of the benefit we'd have the label.

Of course what I plan to do is to create a tooltip when you hover on the label, to show its value.

If it's not considered, can anybody suggest a workaround?

Thank you!


krotkiewicz commented 8 years ago

+1 is there any workaround ?