kratix init from helm. Output of the command will be a working promise with api (inferred from values file passed in by users), dependencies (empty), and resource configure workflow image generated based on the input helm that people can kubectl apply without any further customization.
## from OCI chart
kratix init helm-promise PROMISENAME --url oci:// --group GROUP --kind KIND
## from repo chart
kratix init helm-promise PROMISENAME --url --chart-name dapr --group GROUP --kind KIND
The pipeline for a helm promise could be something as simple as:
kratix init from helm. Output of the command will be a working promise with api (inferred from values file passed in by users), dependencies (empty), and resource configure workflow image generated based on the input helm that people can
kubectl apply
without any further customization.Design
The pipeline for a
promise could be something as simple as:Tasks