syntax-objects / Summer2021

Syntax Parse Bee 2021
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Generate Temporay Identifiers On-the-fly #22

Open shhyou opened 3 years ago

shhyou commented 3 years ago


Some macros need to generate a sequence of fresh identifiers corresponding to a list of input forms. The standard solution is invoking generate-temporaries with a syntax list and bind the result to a new pattern variable. However, the new pattern variable is disconnected from the input forms and such an approach quickly becomes unmanageable when the input forms come nested in more than one ellipses.

By delegating the work to syntax classes, the syntax attributes tightly couples the generate identifiers with the input forms (and they even have DrRacket binding arrows). Moreover, repetition handling is entirely done by syntax/parse, thereby simplifying the code.

#lang racket/base

(require (for-syntax racket/base

(provide (for-syntax fresh-variable))

  ;; I'm not sure if `context` is ever going to be useful but I added it anyway.
  (define-syntax-class (fresh-variable [context #f])
    #:attributes (fresh-var)
    (pattern name
             #:with temp-var (generate-temporary #'name)
             #:with fresh-var (if context
                                  (format-id context "~a" #'temp-var)


In this example, we create a define/immutable-parameter form for defining function while disabling mutation of the parameters through make-variable-like-transformer.

The macro define/immutable-parameter parses the arguments arg with fresh-variable to generate temporary identifiers on-the-fly. Each of the fresh identifier is directly paired with the original identifier through syntax attributes.

(require (for-syntax syntax/transformer))
(define-syntax (define/immutable-parameter stx)
  (syntax-parse stx
    [(_ (name:id (~or* (~and _:id arg:fresh-variable)
                       [(~and _:id arg:fresh-variable) default-value:expr])
        body:expr ...+)
     #'(define (name (~? [arg.fresh-var default-value]
                         arg.fresh-var) ...)
         ;; disable set! on arg
         (define-syntax arg
           (make-variable-like-transformer #'arg.fresh-var #f))
         body ...)]))

(define/immutable-parameter (fib n [verbose? #f])
  ;   (set! n 12345) ;=> syntax error
  (when verbose?
    (printf "(fib ~a)\n" n))
    [(<= n 1) n]
     (+ (fib (- n 1) verbose?)
        (fib (- n 2) verbose?))]))


I license the code in this issue under the same MIT License that the Racket language uses and the texts under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Metaxal commented 2 years ago

That's nice!

Is there a particular reason why :id is not included in the syntax class directly? That would avoid the need for (and _:id ...).

shhyou commented 2 years ago

Some macros may let-bind subforms to first evaluate them for later use. Therefore the subforms can be any expressions. I couldn't find a way to pass syntax classes around or compose them, so the _:id specification is left out of the syntax class.