syntax-objects / Summer2021

Syntax Parse Bee 2021
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`log-once` - A macro for printing an expression a limited number of times #3

Open Fictitious-Rotor opened 3 years ago

Fictitious-Rotor commented 3 years ago


#lang racket/base

(require racket/function
         (for-syntax racket/base

(provide log-defs

(define log-var (curry printf "~a = ~s. "))
(define-syntax-parser log-def
  [(_ expr:expr)
   #`(log-var #,(~s (syntax->datum #'expr)) expr)])

  (define (make-incrementor id)
    (with-syntax ([id id])
      #'(λ ()
          (set! id (add1 id))

(define-syntax-parser log-defs
  [(_ (~optional (~seq #:newline use-newline-stx:boolean))
      exprs*:expr ...+)
   #:attr use-newline (syntax-e #'(~? use-newline-stx #f))
   #:attr intermediate-newline-clause (if (attribute use-newline) #'(newline) #f)
   #:attr ultimate-newline-clause (if (attribute use-newline) #f #'(newline))
       (~@ (log-def exprs*)
           (~? intermediate-newline-clause)) ...
       (~? ultimate-newline-clause))])

(define-syntax-parser log-once 
  [(_ (~alt (~optional (~seq #:skip-count target-skip-count:nat) #:name "#:skip-count keyword"
                       #:defaults ([target-skip-count #'0]))
            (~optional (~seq #:log-count target-log-count:nat) #:name "#:log-count keyword"
                       #:defaults ([target-log-count #'1]))
            (~optional (~seq #:when condition:expr) #:name "#:when keyword")
            (~optional (~seq #:message message:str) #:name "#:message keyword")
            (~optional (~seq #:newline newline:boolean) #:name "#:newline keyword")) ...
      exprs* ...+)
   #:with logged (syntax-local-lift-expression #'#f)
   #:with run-count (syntax-local-lift-expression #'0)
   #:with ++run-count (make-incrementor #'run-count)
   #:with log-count (syntax-local-lift-expression #'0)
   #:with ++log-count (make-incrementor #'log-count)
   #:with should-run?! (syntax-local-lift-expression
                        #'(λ ()
                            (and (> (++run-count) target-skip-count)
                                 (<= (++log-count) target-log-count))))
   #:with stop-logging?! (syntax-local-lift-expression
                          #'(λ ()
                              (when (<= target-log-count log-count)
                                (set! logged #t))))
   #'(and (not logged)
          (when (and (~? condition)
            (~? (display message))
            (log-defs (~? (~@ #:newline newline)) exprs* ...)

The purpose of this macro was to make it possible to view a sample of values within tight loops - rather than being inundated with thousands of lines of irrelevant data. It achieves this by providing a variety of tools that can be used to constrain what is logged down to what actually interests the observer.

The set of macros have gone through many revisions as I have become more knowledgable regarding syntax and syntax-parse, with this iteration making use of ~? and ~@, as well as the excellent ... from syntax-parse.


#lang racket

;; The expression
(for ([char (in-string "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")])
    (log-once #:skip-count 18
              #:log-count 3
;; should print
;; char = #\s. 
;; char = #\t. 
;; char = #\u. 

;; This would expand out to become
(for ([char (in-string "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")])
    (and (not lifted/logged)
         (when (and (lifted/should-run?!))
           (log-defs char)

;; The expression
(for ([char (in-string "abcdefGhijkLmnopQrstuVwxyz")])
    (log-once #:skip-count 2
              #:when (char-upper-case? char)
;; should print
;; char = #\Q. 

;; This would expand out to become
(for ([char (in-string "abcdefGhijkLmnopQrstuVwxyz")])
    (and (not lifted/logged)
         (when (and (char-upper-case? char)
           (log-defs char)

Before and After

The macro replaces patterns of code that would look something like this:

#lang racket
(define is-logged #f)
(define skip-count 0)
(for ([char (in-string "abcdefGhijkLmnopQrstuVwxyz")])
  (when (and (not is-logged)
             (char-upper-case? char)
               (set! skip-count (add1 skip-count))
               (> skip-count 2)))
    (printf "char = ~s\n" char)
    (set! is-logged #t)))

;; You have to define the variables somewhere where they won't fall out of scope so that the mutations matter
;; You also have to be wary of leaving any of this code lying around once you're finished with debugging

I wrote the original edition of this macro while I was comparatively new to racket. It was my first ernest attempt at a macro. While the original version of the macro is lost (it used a hash map of the syntax info to track what had been logged) I do have this previous revision:

#lang racket/base

(require (only-in racket/function curry)
         (only-in syntax/parse/define define-syntax-parser)
         (for-syntax racket/base
                     (only-in racket/format ~s)))

(provide log-defs

(define (return-#t . args) #t)
(define print-val-of-var (curry printf "~a = ~s. "))
(define-syntax-parser log-def
  [(_ expr:expr)
   #`(print-val-of-var #,(~s (syntax->datum #'expr)) expr)])

(define-syntax-parser log-defs
  [(_ ids*:expr ...+ (~optional (~seq #:newline use-newline?) #:defaults ([use-newline? #'#f])))
   (define newline? (syntax-e #'use-newline?))
       #,@(for/foldr ([out null])
                     ([id (syntax->list #'(ids* ...))])
            (let ([log-stmt #`(log-def #,id)])
              (if newline?
                  (list* log-stmt #'(newline) out)
                  (cons log-stmt out)))))])

(define-syntax-parser log-once 
    [(_ (~optional (~seq #:count count) #:defaults ([count #'1]))
        (~optional (~seq #:when condition) #:defaults ([condition #'return-#t]))
        (~optional (~seq #:message message) #:defaults ([message #'""]))
        (~optional (~seq #:newline newline) #:defaults ([newline #'#f]))
        next* ...+)
     (define logged #f)
     (define (not-logged?) (not logged))
     (define (mark-as-logged) (set! logged #t))

     (define run-count 0)
     (define (increment-run-count)
       (set! run-count (add1 run-count))

     #`(and (#,not-logged?)
            (when (and condition
                       (>= (#,increment-run-count) count))
              (display message)
              (log-defs next* ...)

It was here that I realised that I could declare a variable during phase 1 and store a reference to it for use later in phase 0. As a direct reference to the variable would simply put the value within the expanded syntax, I put a reference to a function instead, the function being responsible for mutating the variable.

This varient of the macro featured an improved implementation of log-defs, which makes handy use of syntax-parse's ellipsis to repeat patterns of syntax. I also exchanged references to procedures for references to a box, which I considered more idiomatic to racket.

#lang racket/base

(require racket/function
         (for-syntax racket/base

(provide log-defs

(define log-var (curry printf "~a = ~s. "))
(define-syntax-parser log-def
  [(_ expr:expr)
   #`(log-var #,(~s (syntax->datum #'expr)) expr)])

  (require syntax/parse/define
           (for-syntax racket/base
  (define-syntax-parser define/incrementor
    [(_ id:id expr:expr)
     #:with increment-id (format-id #'id "++~a" #'id)
         (define id expr)
         (define (increment-id)
           (set! id (add1 id))

(define-syntax-parser log-defs
  [(_ (~optional (~seq #:newline use-newline-stx:boolean))
      exprs*:expr ...+)
   #:attr use-newline (syntax-e #'(~? use-newline-stx #f))
   #:attr intermediate-newline-clause (if (attribute use-newline) #'(newline) #f)
   #:attr ultimate-newline-clause (if (attribute use-newline) #f #'(newline))
       (~@ (log-def exprs*)
           (~? intermediate-newline-clause)) ...
       (~? ultimate-newline-clause))])

(define-syntax-parser log-once 
  [(_ (~alt (~optional (~seq #:skip-count target-skip-count:nat) #:name "#:skip-count keyword"
                       #:defaults ([target-skip-count #'0]))
            (~optional (~seq #:log-count target-log-count:nat) #:name "#:log-count keyword"
                       #:defaults ([target-log-count #'1]))
            (~optional (~seq #:when condition:expr) #:name "#:when keyword")
            (~optional (~seq #:message message:str) #:name "#:message keyword")
            (~optional (~seq #:newline newline:boolean) #:name "#:newline keyword")) ...
      exprs* ...+)
   (define logged (box #f))
   (define/incrementor run-count 0)
   (define/incrementor log-count 0)

   (define (should-run?! target-skip-count target-log-count)
     (and (> (++run-count) target-skip-count)
          (<= (++log-count) target-log-count)))

   (define (stop-logging?! target-log-count)
     (when (<= target-log-count log-count)
       (set-box! logged #t)))

   #`(and (not (unbox #,logged))
          (when (and (~? condition)
                     (#,should-run?! target-skip-count target-log-count))
            (~? (display message))
            (log-defs (~? (~@ #:newline newline)) exprs* ...)
            (#,stop-logging?! target-log-count)))])

The box and procedures has subsequently been replaced by usage of syntax-local-lift-expression, which eliminates the need for phase 1 variables to be referenced in phase 0 (thank you to yjqww6 for this suggestion!).

As there is no further need to interface between phases then the procedures should-run?! & stop-logging?! can take no arguments - instead relying on embedded references to other lifted identifiers.


Please confirm that you are submitting this code under the same MIT License that the Racket language uses. Please confirm that the associated text is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

I confirm that the code is under the same license as the Racket language, and associated text is under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License


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yjqww6 commented 3 years ago

It might be better to use syntax-local-lift-expression rather than embed a phase-1 value.

Fictitious-Rotor commented 3 years ago

It might be better to use syntax-local-lift-expression rather than embed a phase-1 value.

You're completely right! I've just gone through and updated my main post to use that procedure - I've also shifted my old code to the 'previous revisions' section at the bottom. Thank you for spotting that!

spdegabrielle commented 3 years ago

Thank you for your contribution!

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Bw Stephen