Open rbibbs opened 4 years ago
Good question. If you have a unary XP that dominates a clitic (an X⁰), and unary XPs are treated as X⁰s, then we'd need to be careful when using Match(X⁰,ω) and Match(ω,X⁰), because two nodes X⁰ dominating exactly the same terminal string should only count once. So if [x0 a.clitic] weren't matched to a ω, we'd want 1 violation of Match(X⁰,ω), not 2. But if I remember correctly, this isn't something we've built into the definition of Match, right? I think we're relying on people removing superfluous recursion from their trees on their own––clearly a problem if this is an issue of automatic input generation.
We do have a "trim" function that you can choose to run on your trees. But it's currently only available on the manual tree generation side.
[[x0 a.clitic] b] has a x0 with a single x0 daughter -- how bad is this?
If you have x0 as the intermediate category and select “Treat unary XPs as X0s” -- does / should this exclude the substructure [x0 a.clitic]?