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Manual inputs interface #582

Closed sz245 closed 3 years ago

sz245 commented 3 years ago

@jbellik Does getAutoSTreeList() save the deleted inputs? It seems to be saying there are inputs present even after clearing the Tableau.

jbellik commented 3 years ago

@M130 Sort of. It just returns the value of sTreeList. It's only in a wrapper function for some kind of scope reason, I think. If you didn't set up clearing the trees to reset sTreeList = undefined, then sTreeList will still have whatever value it had before. sTreeList is a backend variable; its value isn't read directly off of the interface but has to be computed by autoGenInputTree(). var sTreeList; window.getAutoSTreeList = function(){ return sTreeList; }

See main/interface_JS/interface_GEN_strees.js.

sz245 commented 3 years ago

@jbellik Thank you! I think everything works now with regards to the interface. I thought about the drop-down list still being present after selecting the clear trees so I implemented it for the drop-down list to disappear after selecting the clear trees option. I was thinking of having it disappear after the user selects the option the first time and just pop up again when they have two inputs on both tabs but that's probably not a good user experience due to displaywarning happening every time so I didn't implement that.

sz245 commented 3 years ago

Test cases Google Doc: