synthetos / TinyG

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Configuration Management #126

Open cmcgrath5035 opened 9 years ago

cmcgrath5035 commented 9 years ago

Is there a JSON equivalent to text = "$$" ?

Hint: Working on Backup/Restore in CP, for now in Text mode. Would try JSON, but don't see a way to "learn" what the full command set is, with descriptive info, as $$ delivers in text mode.

aldenhart commented 9 years ago

The best way to do this is to process a list of objects on at a time, such as: {sys:n} {1:n} {2:n} {3:n} {4:n} {x:n} {y:n} {z:n} {a:n} {b:n} {c:n}

and if you need them: {p1:n} {g54:n} {g55:n} {g56:n} {g57:n} {g58:n} {g59:n}

{g28:n} {g30:n}

cmcgrath5035 commented 9 years ago

Thanks, understand.

My objective is to produce a Backup up as would be made the old fashion way

  1. $$ in Terminal window, scrape the console output and save as text file
  2. A side benefit is that one gets a listing of ALL settable parameters plus those Synthetos decides might be useful for the user to see (RO Parameters such as $fb, $fv, etc)
  3. And a third, as things change, is that $$ Self-Updates as new parameters are added.
  4. And a fourth - the terse descriptive text is displayed as well.

I have a completed Alpha version of text mode based backup/restore, wuill send you guys a link to play with after a bit more clean-up. Will run as a button in the TinyG widget at CP, most likely.

Having slugged thru the development, a.k.a. learn JS one line at a time (plus of course, steal from others), I can see benefits of doing more of it in JSON, but feel that the loss of some of the "old-way" features would not be as helpful, particularly for new starters. If I could achieve 3 and 4 by reading with JSON then writing MHFN (more hi\uman friendly notation) I might pursue that as an add-on.

And while I have your attention: In combing thru the tinyG2 .h files on Github I see reference to user parameters. Are they implemented yet? What command(s) access them. They might be helpful for CP widgets wanting to do "save last state in CP" type info.