synthetos / TinyG

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Homing of A axis stops when touching limits. #239

Open jamador47 opened 5 years ago

jamador47 commented 5 years ago

Hello! I have 2 Y axis on my machine, so I intend to control them independently through the Y and A axis. I have configured all homing procedures of the axes and they are working fine except for AXIS A, I have already disabled the max limit and set the min limit as home. I have also Verified the the switch type is the same as the other axes. However, as soon as it reaches the homing limit it stops and does not continue to do the zero backoff procedure, it also places an arbitrary value on A position. I have verified that the limit is configured as 1 (homing only).

When this happens, the machine does not enter an alarm state, and it allows me to do other operations. I have also tried disabling the softswitches and the problem persists. Any ideas?

troisiemetype commented 5 years ago

Hello ! Does your machine really have two Y axis ? Or does it have one Y axis with two motors ? The problem is, A is a rotary axis, I believe it's not handle the same way as X, Y and Z.