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g2core - The Next Generation
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Not updating positions in status report #365

Open breiler opened 6 years ago

breiler commented 6 years ago

Sorry for this noob issue... But I've been experimenting for a couple of hours and I'm not getting anywhere.

I've tried loading my Due with the g2core-gShield-100.26.bin (I've also tried the latest build 101.03) and connected to it using MacOSX and CoolTerm. I can post commands and get nice responses from the hardware. I don't have any shields connected to it, just running it stand alone.

But if I try to move the machine using G0 X10 the position isn't updated in the status report. I've tried connecting to it using Chilipeppr and I get the same thing there.

screen shot 2018-06-29 at 13 54 29

Is there a setting that I'm missing, or is my hardware bad (bought a cheaper Due from China:


justinclift commented 6 years ago

Ahhh, this sounds similar to when I was first experimenting with g2core, and hadn't enabled the motors (virtually) in the settings.

Gimme a few minutes and I'll jump on a box with a g2 controller connected. I can't remember the JSON bits off hand, as I use text mode personally when doing stuff in a terminal. :wink:

justinclift commented 6 years ago

Ahhh, yep. I think that's the problem you're hitting as well. In your x/y/z lines, it's showing those axes as disabled:


That doesn't mean there's anything wrong. Those are just the default settings for now, and there is ongoing discussion on how best to change that. :wink:

justinclift commented 6 years ago

Since you're using serial input for the moment, you'll probably find it easier to switch into text mode instead of json. To do that just type:


You can then look at the settings for the x, y, and z motors individually using $x, or $y, or $z. For example, on a g2core Due here:

[xam] x axis mode                 1 [standard]
[xvm] x velocity maximum      18000 mm/min
[xfr] x feedrate maximum      18000 mm/min
[xtn] x travel minimum            0.000 mm
[xtm] x travel maximum          420.000 mm
[xjm] x jerk maximum           3000 mm/min^3 * 1 million
[xjh] x jerk homing           18000 mm/min^3 * 1 million
[xhi] x homing input              2 [input 1-N or 0 to disable homing this axis]
[xhd] x homing direction          1 [0=search-to-negative, 1=search-to-positive]
[xsv] x search velocity        2000 mm/min
[xlv] x latch velocity       100.00 mm/min
[xlb] x latch backoff             4.000 mm
[xzb] x zero backoff              2.000 mm
g2core[mm] ok> 
[yam] y axis mode                 1 [standard]
[yvm] y velocity maximum      17000 mm/min
[yfr] y feedrate maximum      17000 mm/min
[ytn] y travel minimum            0.000 mm
[ytm] y travel maximum          435.000 mm
[yjm] y jerk maximum           3000 mm/min^3 * 1 million
[yjh] y jerk homing           17000 mm/min^3 * 1 million
[yhi] y homing input              4 [input 1-N or 0 to disable homing this axis]
[yhd] y homing direction          1 [0=search-to-negative, 1=search-to-positive]
[ysv] y search velocity        2000 mm/min
[ylv] y latch velocity       100.00 mm/min
[ylb] y latch backoff             4.000 mm
[yzb] y zero backoff              2.000 mm
g2core[mm] ok> 
[zam] z axis mode                 1 [standard]
[zvm] z velocity maximum       1200 mm/min
[zfr] z feedrate maximum       1200 mm/min
[ztn] z travel minimum            0.000 mm
[ztm] z travel maximum           68.000 mm
[zjm] z jerk maximum           3000 mm/min^3 * 1 million
[zjh] z jerk homing            3000 mm/min^3 * 1 million
[zhi] z homing input              6 [input 1-N or 0 to disable homing this axis]
[zhd] z homing direction          1 [0=search-to-negative, 1=search-to-positive]
[zsv] z search velocity        1200 mm/min
[zlv] z latch velocity       100.00 mm/min
[zlb] z latch backoff             4.000 mm
[zzb] z zero backoff              4.000 mm

In my example above, take a look at the xam, yam, and zam settings. On mine they're set to 1 (standard mode). Yours are set to 0 (disabled mode). Change them with:


Now the motors should move (virtually) when you give it G0 (etc) commands.

In theory. :wink:

breiler commented 6 years ago

Awesome it works, thanks a bunch! :clap:

aldenhart commented 6 years ago

I added a Troubleshooting page to the Getting Started section where we can collect these kinds of issues.

breiler commented 6 years ago

@aldenhart I personally am fine with all the motors disabled from the start. For the end user I think this should be handled by the UI giving the user a proper feedback. And for UI-implementors this is just a documentation issue (which you have solved for now with the troubleshooting guide).

This may actually not be a bug/issue, but instead a feature. =) By having them disabled from the beginning will enable the UI-implementors to check if the GCode contain unintentional axis movement and warn the user. Just a thought for the ongoing discussion...

justinclift commented 6 years ago

As a data point, the (slowly ongoing :wink:) discussion about it is in #341. You're welcome to jump in. :smile: