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g2core - The Next Generation
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Is G2core a good choice for my app? #515

Open rayz55 opened 1 year ago

rayz55 commented 1 year ago

I have been doing custom servo control for hardware and software for a long time, but I'm a rank noob when it comes to G code implementations, so I need some guidance from some of you who live in this world.

I have a 5 axis, 6-motor gantry that has linear X with dual motors (but X2 runs the opposite direction of X1), linear Y,Z then rotary Pan and Tilt. It uses Teknic servo motors that emulate steppers. The 200KHz pulse rate of G2core/Due may be enough for the initial app but the motors are good for 400KHz.

1) Is G2core the best, or at least a reasonable, code base to control this machine? Note that the custom UI for this will probably run on a PC, although it's a big bonus to have off-the-shelf software that I can plug in to run/debug the mechanics, and maybe I can find other tools to include in the custom code.

2) On the hardware side, the Due+G2core_shield looks like it will work, with the possible exception of having to reverse direction on X2. Is that correct?

3) Ideally, I'd like some additional hardware capabilities (like USB host and Ethernet) and would like to port G2core to a Teensy 4.1 , which is a 600MHz ARM M7. Has anyone done this yet? Is this a weekend job or a month long job or ???

4) If I go this route, I'm going to have to learn the ins and outs of running a machine on G code. Any recommendations for a good reference/training site?

Thanks in advance!!!