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Add Pan param & wave selection labels #1

Closed veeceeoh closed 5 years ago

veeceeoh commented 5 years ago


I've left a comment on your YouTube video for this editor, but I just want to say thanks again for sharing your work on this incredibly useful editor!

This pull request includes a couple of suggested changes to the index.html file:

  1. I added the missing Pan parameter to the Processing section of each Part
  2. I added labels to the wave selection groups, using the text from Korg's user manual: SRC = Sound Source MOD = Pitch Modulator EG = Amplitude Envelope Generator These labels may of course be easily changed, but I thought they could be useful for users to be sure of which wave type is being selected.

Here is a screenshot previewing the changes.

I realize that if the Pan parameter is added, then the init_patch.js would also need to be updated to include a default value of 63 (centered pan) for CC #10, but I'm not submitting a pull request for that.

I hope you find these changes useful, and if not then no worries, it was fun having a look through everything and I will be using the edited index.html for personal use.

P.S. I noticed that relative directory locations specified in this index.html for the scripts... <script src="../script/ccynthmata.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="./res/init_patch.js" type="text/javascript"></script> ... doesn't match their locations in the directory structure of this GitHub repository when downloaded. I didn't make any changes to these though, since these are the correctly working locations specified in your original master index.html accessible on the web.