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Init Patch tweaks #9

Open danielseligmann opened 4 years ago

danielseligmann commented 4 years ago

Hi there,

first: I really like what you're doing! (using it with a volca fm)

Maybe you overlooked some settings of the init patch? Why not init Detune with 7 instead of 0? Then Freq Coarse is sometimes 1 and sometimes 2 on different OPs... And why are all the levels (EG and OP) initialized as they are now? Is this the DX7 behaviour? I have not found the default values of the DX7, but probably not different across the operators, right?


synthmata commented 4 years ago

Regarding the detune: yes, I meant to fix that ages ago, it should be at 7. I hadn't appreciated initially that detune was bipolar.

As far as the rest of the init patch, I wasn't trying to match any DX7 behaviour, just have a sensible starting point for patches. So the operators are tuned to different frequencies because it made it easier for me to hear things move as I started making a patch - ditto with the envelope settings - a moderately slow decay to zero is easy to hear immediately, whereas an organ / key gate envelope gives you no movement.

Of course, if you have a preferred starting point, just set up a patch the way you like, create a shareable link and bookmark that - that's what I was doing before I had added the initial patch feature myself.

Hope that clears up some of the choices I made

danielseligmann commented 4 years ago

I assumed those settings were not just by accident. thanks for the insights. I'm working with my custom init patch link now. Also a nice feature btw.