synzen / MonitoRSS

MonitoRSS RSS bot (formerly known as Discord.RSS) with customizable feeds.
MIT License
1.05k stars 238 forks source link

How to host MonitoRSS on Railway (fastest setup and without web dashboard) #295

Open MrJaroslavik opened 1 year ago

MrJaroslavik commented 1 year ago

Inspired by:

Create Discord bot application

  1. Go to, click to New Application image

  2. Name it and click to Create image

  3. Navigate to Bot tab: You can also see Application ID, you will need it when you invite bot to your server. image

  4. Click to Add Bot and confirm you want do it: image image

  5. Add avatar of your bot: You can also see Token, you will need it later. Do not share this token with anyone else!!!! image

  6. If you don't want others to be able to add your bot turn off the Public Bot setting. image

  7. To be able ot use bot commands, turn on all these settings: image

Invite the bot

Use one of the below URLs replacing the INSERTHERE with the Application ID from previous Step 3. With Role: (Permissions Read Messages, Send Messages, Embed Links) Without Role:

Create MongoDB Atlas Database

Go to and create an account if you don't already have one and verify your email. Once you completed registration, follow these instructions to create shared cluster:

  1. On Shared column, click to Create: image

  2. You can customize it, but you're safe if you will just click to Create Cluster: image

  3. Create your database account and set username and password and click to Create User: image

  4. Navigate to Network Access tab and click to Add IP Address: image

  5. Click to Alow access from anywhere and Confirm: image

  6. Navigate to Database tab and click to Connect: image

  7. You will see your connection string, copy it and replace <password> with you password you've set in Step 3: image

  8. Now save your connection string, you will need it in moment, it should look like this: mongodb+srv://


  1. Use this button: Deploy on Railway

  2. You will need to login with Github image

  3. image

  4. Now you will need set Enviroment Variables: _You have to set only DRSS_BOT_TOKEN and DRSS_DATABASE_URI variables, others are optional. DRSS_BOT_TOKEN is from Create Discord bot application > Step 5, click to Reset Token and insert copied token. DRSS_DATABASE_URI is from Create MongoDB Atlas Database > Step 14-15, insert it here_ image

  5. If you want to change some default settings, you can change it too. Once you're done, click to Deploy: image

  6. Now you will need wait your project is created and deployed.

  7. When you see green checkmark, you can check if your Discord bot is online and if so, you can try discord commands: image image image