syp2ysy / SVF

[NeurIPS 2022] Singular Value Fine-tuning: Few-shot Segmentation requires Few-parameters Fine-tuning
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Some Question About The SVD Decomposition #5

Closed yuanlonghui closed 1 year ago

yuanlonghui commented 1 year ago

Congratulations! It's not only a marvelous idea for few-shot learning, but also a feasible idea for parameter efficient adaptation. So, I tried to apply SVD decomposition for a source pretrain model, then adapt it using self-training with the pseudo label under the source-free scenario. But I met the problem that the loss always produce tiny gradients, which is almost invaild for adaptation. So I turned to you for help. Have you ever encountered this problem?Waiting for your early replay.

syp2ysy commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your interest, I didn't fully understand your question, can you provide more details?

yuanlonghui commented 1 year ago

Can we communicate via email or other private communication channels?

XXING1999 commented 1 year ago

Why do I report an error when I reproduce it. Like , image

XXING1999 commented 1 year ago

image and this . it reminds there is an error ,nn no has conv2d attribute

syp2ysy commented 1 year ago

@yuanlonghui You can provide some details in the email, hoping to help you clear your doubts. My email is

syp2ysy commented 1 year ago

@XXING1999 sorry, you can change nn.Conv2d to nn.Conv2D.

XXING1999 commented 1 year ago

上面的那个resnet没有name_modeule属性已解决,是因为我采用了你的测试代码,使用的paddle框架,里面resnet继承的是nn.layer属性,不是nn.module. 请问一下这个代码有pytorch框架实现的吗

syp2ysy commented 1 year ago

@XXING1999 你邮件联系我一下,我邮件发给你

XXING1999 commented 1 year ago


syp2ysy commented 1 year ago

@XXING1999 我没有收到邮件啊?请确认邮箱地址是否正确。

XXING1999 commented 1 year ago


zhangyuxuan321 commented 1 year ago

@XXING1999 你邮件联系我一下,我邮件发给你 可以麻烦也发我一份吗,我的邮箱是 ,感谢!