sypets / typo3-extension-documentation-award

Plan and implementation TYPO3 extension documentation contest (budget idea)
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Ideas for "next time" #11

Open sypets opened 2 years ago

sypets commented 2 years ago

These are currently just "ideas". They are not finalized yet and we might reject them later.

The idea is to have the "Extension Award" for every LTS release (starting shortly after), but not focus primarily on documentation every time, e.g. next time focus on testing or usability or ...

Voting process

Aquire additional feedback


alexander-nitsche commented 2 years ago

Having read all nominated documentations of 2021, these are my list of criteria extracted from the notes i took from the review:

  1. being registered for rendering and deployment to in intercept and linked accordingly on TER extension page (important for being found in the new internal global search)
  2. preventing documentation maintenance in two places (reduce one to minimum with abstract and links to TER / VCS / and write documentation in the other)
  3. having good abstract (short but well explaining the purpose - with keywords)
  4. having good and clear menu structure
  5. preventing subpages of few lines (merge with sibling pages as sections into parent page instead)
  6. having clearly separated content (page "Installation" should not contain parts of "Configuration" page)
  7. having introduction page (longer than abstract, showing example input + output, enriched with screenshots or diagram, should give enough information to new user to decide whether that extension may be selected)
  8. having installation page for composer mode and legacy mode
  9. having configuration page
  10. having contribution page
  11. guiding the user in vertical direction from global scope (where in the TYPO3 context is this extension's place) to concrete parts of the extension (steps in backend modules, steps in configuration, steps in programming, API reference)
  12. guiding the user in horizontal direction by comparing this extension to similar ones of the TER and expose its benefit
  13. having a good balance between text and headers and pictures and diagrams and code blocks and menus
  14. no page should contain only a menu: there should always be text guiding the user
  15. having a good balance of internal and external links (not too many external links, ideally not linking twice to the same target, links are breaking the reader's flow)
  16. no outdated links, links to official TYPO3 documentation of compatible TYPO3 version
  17. preventing explanations of TYPO3 Core functionality and linking to official TYPO3 documentation instead
  18. linking generally to other extensions in TER instead of GitHub / Packagist etc. as the TER page bundles those links
  19. consistent formatting (listing properties on page A in style A and on page B in style A too, no shrinked / stretched screenshots, no too-many-too-narrow-table-columns)
  20. consistent terminology (writing of "view helper" on page A should not be switched to "ViewHelper" on page B)
  21. consistent language (everything should be in english, even the screenshots, is your friend)

and some documentations that meet many of these criteria in 2021 are

sypets commented 2 years ago

"quality criteria", created new issue for this:

However, this should probably be continued elsewhere. But we can use that issue for now.

I noticed, it is difficult to review existing documentation without a "checklist"