syradar / yxans-klagan

Web tool for Forbidden Lands
MIT License
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Add translations for Session Page #40

Closed syradar closed 2 years ago

Kalima commented 2 years ago
import React, { useState } from 'react'
import 'twin.macro'
import tw from 'twin.macro'
import { PageHeader, Parchment } from '../components'
import { ReloadIcon } from '../components/icons'
import { generateLegend } from '../functions/legend.functions'

export const SessionPage = () => {
  const [legend, setLegend] = useState(generateLegend())
  const getLegend = () => setLegend(generateLegend())

  return (
    <div tw="flex flex-col gap-y-8 w-full items-center">

      <div tw="">
        <div tw="max-w-prose lg:(w-[65ch])">
              tw="flex gap-2 items-center mb-4 hover:text-yellow-500"
              onClick={() => getLegend()}
              <h2 tw="text-4xl text-center flex" className="yx-heading">
              <ReloadIcon container={tw`w-6 h-6`} svg={tw``}></ReloadIcon>
Kalima commented 2 years ago
  import {
} from './dice.functions'

export const generateLegend = (): string => {
  const longTimeAgo = `A long time ago`
  const { description, age } = timeAgo()

  return [
    `(${age} ES) there was a`,
    'who sought',
    'because of',
    'and traveled to',
    getText(DISTANCE, getRandomT6),
    'in a/some',
    'in the direction of',
    `${getText(DIRECTION, getRandomT8)}.`,
    'As the legend goes, it is said that he/she',
    'and that at the location there is/are',
    'but also',
  ].join(' ')

interface TimeAgoResult {
  description: string
  age: number

const timeAgo = (): TimeAgoResult => {
  const roll = getRandomT66()

  const time = TIME_AGO.find((ta) => ta.roll.includes(roll))
  if (time) {
    return {
      description: time.text,
      age: getRandomInt(time.ageRange[0], time.ageRange[1]),

  return (
    time ?? {
      description: 'before the time of the Blood Mist',
      age: 0,

type TimeAgo = {
  roll: number[]
  text: string
  ageRange: [number, number]

const TIME_AGO: TimeAgo[] = [
    text: 'before the Shift',
    ageRange: [1100, 3000],
    roll: [11, 12],
    text: 'before the Blood Mist',
    ageRange: [300, 1100],
    roll: [13, 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26],
    text: 'during the Alder Wars',
    ageRange: [305, 360],
    roll: [31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 41, 42, 43],
    text: 'in the age of the Blood Mist',
    ageRange: [5, 280],
    roll: [44, 45, 46, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66],

interface LegendTableItem {
  roll: number[]
  text: () => string

const getText = (
  arr: LegendTableItem[],
  diceFn: () => number = getRandomT66,
): string => {
  const roll = diceFn()

  const result = arr.find((a) => a.roll.includes(roll)) ?? {
    text: () => '',
    roll: [],

  return result.text()

const ADJECTIVE: LegendTableItem[] = [
  { roll: [11], text: () => 'bloodthirsty' },
  { roll: [12], text: () => 'vengeful' },
  { roll: [13], text: () => 'greedy' },
  { roll: [14], text: () => 'unhappy in love' },
  { roll: [15], text: () => 'ingenious' },
  { roll: [16], text: () => 'enterprising' },
  { roll: [21], text: () => 'kind' },
  { roll: [22], text: () => 'perseverant' },
  { roll: [23, 24], text: () => 'treacherous' },
  { roll: [25, 26], text: () => 'moral' },
  { roll: [31, 32], text: () => 'skilled' },
  { roll: [33, 34], text: () => 'stingy' },
  { roll: [35, 36], text: () => 'vain' },
  { roll: [41, 42], text: () => 'wise' },
  { roll: [43, 44], text: () => 'beautiful' },
  { roll: [45, 46], text: () => 'honorable' },
  { roll: [51, 52], text: () => 'jealous' },
  { roll: [53, 54], text: () => 'cruel' },
  { roll: [55, 56], text: () => 'determined' },
  { roll: [61, 62], text: () => 'cunning' },
  { roll: [63, 64], text: () => 'scared' },
  { roll: [65, 66], text: () => 'evil' },

const WHO_OR_WHAT: LegendTableItem[] = [
  { roll: [11], text: () => 'elf' },
  { roll: [12], text: () => 'dwarf' },
  { roll: [13], text: () => 'peddler' },
  { roll: [14], text: () => 'smith' },
  { roll: [15], text: () => 'farmer' },
  { roll: [16], text: () => 'apprentice' },
  { roll: [21], text: () => 'druid' },
  { roll: [22], text: () => 'shepherd' },
  { roll: [23, 24], text: () => 'Raven sister' },
  { roll: [25, 26], text: () => 'Rust brother' },
  { roll: [31, 32], text: () => 'rider' },
  { roll: [33, 34], text: () => 'treasure hunter' },
  { roll: [35, 36], text: () => 'priest' },
  { roll: [41, 42], text: () => 'sorcerer' },
  { roll: [43, 44], text: () => 'robber chieftain' },
  { roll: [45, 46], text: () => 'warrior' },
  { roll: [51, 52], text: () => 'lord' },
  { roll: [53, 54], text: () => 'prince' },
  { roll: [55, 56], text: () => 'princess' },
  { roll: [61, 62], text: () => 'queen' },
  { roll: [63, 64], text: () => 'king' },
    roll: [65, 66],
    text: () => {
      const roll = getRandomInt(1, 6)
      switch (roll) {
        case 1:
          return 'unit of soldiers'
        case 2:
          return 'village'
        case 3:
          return 'cult'
        case 4:
          return 'band of robbers'
        case 5:
          return 'cabal'
        case 6:
          return 'monster'

          return 'band of robbers'

const WHO_SEARCHED_FOR: LegendTableItem[] = [
  { roll: [11, 12, 13, 14], text: () => 'a weapon' },
  { roll: [15, 16, 21, 22], text: () => 'a love' },
  { roll: [23, 24, 25, 26], text: () => 'a friend in need' },
  { roll: [31, 32, 33, 34], text: () => 'an enemy' },
  { roll: [35, 36, 41, 42], text: () => 'a treasure' },
  { roll: [43, 44, 45, 46], text: () => 'a map' },
  { roll: [51, 52, 53, 54], text: () => 'a family member' },
  { roll: [55, 56, 61, 62], text: () => 'an artifact' },
  { roll: [63, 44, 65, 66], text: () => 'a monster' },

const BECAUSE: LegendTableItem[] = [
  { roll: [11, 12, 13, 14], text: () => 'love' },
  { roll: [15, 16], text: () => 'friendship' },
  { roll: [21, 22, 23, 24], text: () => 'a promise' },
  { roll: [25, 26, 31, 32, 33], text: () => 'a prophecy' },
  { roll: [35, 36, 41], text: () => 'a bet' },
  { roll: [42, 43, 44, 45], text: () => 'duty' },
  { roll: [46, 51, 52], text: () => 'war' },
  { roll: [53, 54, 55], text: () => 'honor' },
  { roll: [56, 61], text: () => 'insanity' },
  { roll: [62, 63], text: () => 'dreams' },
  { roll: [64, 65, 66], text: () => 'greed' },

const LOCATION: LegendTableItem[] = [
  { roll: [11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16], text: () => 'a ruin' },
  { roll: [21, 21], text: () => 'a farm' },
  { roll: [23, 24, 25, 26], text: () => 'a grave' },
  { roll: [31, 32, 33, 34], text: () => 'a tower' },
  { roll: [35, 36], text: () => 'a castle' },
  { roll: [41, 42, 43], text: () => 'a village' },
  { roll: [44, 45, 46, 51, 52, 53], text: () => 'a cave' },
  { roll: [54, 55, 56], text: () => 'a hill' },
  { roll: [61, 62, 63], text: () => 'a tree' },
  { roll: [64, 65, 66], text: () => 'a water source' },

const DISTANCE: LegendTableItem[] = [
  { roll: [1], text: () => 'here' },
  { roll: [2], text: () => 'close by' },
  { roll: [3], text: () => 'a day's march away' },
  { roll: [4], text: () => 'a few days off' },
  { roll: [5], text: () => 'far away' },
  { roll: [6], text: () => 'on the other side of the Forbidden Lands' },

const TERRAIN: LegendTableItem[] = [
  { roll: [11, 12, 13, 14], text: () => 'ruins' },
  { roll: [15, 16, 21], text: () => 'marshlands' },
  { roll: [22, 23, 24], text: () => 'quagmire' },
  { roll: [25, 26, 31, 32, 33, 34], text: () => 'plains' },
  { roll: [35, 36, 41, 42, 43, 44], text: () => 'forest' },
  { roll: [45, 46, 51, 52, 53], text: () => 'hills' },
  { roll: [54, 55, 56, 61, 62, 63], text: () => 'dark forest' },
  { roll: [64], text: () => 'lake' },
  { roll: [65, 66], text: () => 'mountains' },

const DIRECTION: LegendTableItem[] = [
  { roll: [1], text: () => 'North' },
  { roll: [2], text: () => 'North East' },
  { roll: [3], text: () => 'East' },
  { roll: [4], text: () => 'South East' },
  { roll: [5], text: () => 'South' },
  { roll: [6], text: () => 'South West' },
  { roll: [7], text: () => 'West' },
  { roll: [8], text: () => 'North West' },

const WHAT_HAPPENED: LegendTableItem[] = [
  { roll: [11, 12, 13, 14], text: () => 'was betrayed' },
  { roll: [15, 21, 22], text: () => 'was murdered' },
  { roll: [23, 24, 25, 26], text: () => 'was never seen again' },
  { roll: [31, 32, 33], text: () => 'starved to death' },
  { roll: [34, 35, 36], text: () => 'took his/her life' },
  { roll: [41, 42, 43, 44], text: () => 'died in battle' },
  { roll: [45, 46, 51, 52], text: () => 'was enchanted' },
  { roll: [53, 54, 55, 56], text: () => 'was possessed' },
  { roll: [61, 62, 63], text: () => 'came back changed' },
  { roll: [64, 65, 66], text: () => 'still searches' },

const ITS_TOLD_THAT: LegendTableItem[] = [
  { roll: [11, 12, 13, 14], text: () => 'gold, lots of gold' },
  { roll: [15, 16, 21, 22], text: () => 'a powerful artifact' },
  { roll: [23, 24, 25, 26], text: () => 'a suit of armor' },
  { roll: [31, 32, 33], text: () => 'a weapon' },
  { roll: [34, 35, 36], text: () => 'an invaluable book' },
  { roll: [41, 42, 43, 44], text: () => 'a large treasure' },
  { roll: [45, 45, 46, 51, 52], text: () => 'a lost war chest' },
  { roll: [53, 54, 55, 56], text: () => 'the remains of an important person' },
  { roll: [61, 62, 63], text: () => 'a dwarven artifact' },
  { roll: [64, 65, 66], text: () => 'an elven ruby' },
const ADJECTIVE_ADVERSARY: LegendTableItem[] = [
  { roll: [11, 12, 13, 14], text: () => 'aggressive' },
  { roll: [15, 16, 21, 22], text: () => 'bloodthirsty' },
  { roll: [23, 24, 25], text: () => 'cruel' },
  { roll: [26, 31, 32], text: () => 'horrible' },
  { roll: [33, 34], text: () => 'hungry' },
  { roll: [35, 36, 41, 42, 43], text: () => 'watchful' },
  { roll: [44, 45, 46], text: () => 'starved' },
  { roll: [51, 52, 53, 54], text: () => 'greedy' },
  { roll: [55, 56, 61], text: () => 'insane' },
  { roll: [62, 63], text: () => 'murderous' },
  { roll: [64, 65], text: () => 'manic' },
  { roll: [66], text: () => 'hunting' },

const ADVERSARY: LegendTableItem[] = [
  { roll: [11, 12, 13, 14], text: () => 'Wolfkin' },
  { roll: [15, 16, 21, 22], text: () => 'slave traders' },
  { roll: [23, 24, 25], text: () => 'orcs' },
  { roll: [26, 31, 32], text: () => 'ghosts' },
  { roll: [33, 34], text: () => 'saurians' },
  { roll: [35, 36, 41, 42, 43], text: () => 'Iron guards' },
  { roll: [44, 45, 46], text: () => 'undead' },
  { roll: [51, 52, 53, 54], text: () => 'robbers' },
  { roll: [55, 56, 61], text: () => 'goblins' },
  { roll: [62, 63], text: () => 'ogres' },
  { roll: [64, 65], text: () => getText(MONSTER_LIST) },
    roll: [66],
    text: () => {
      const roll = getRandomInt(1, 6)
      switch (roll) {
        case 5:
          return 'two demons'
        case 6:
          return `${getRandomT6()} demons`

        case 1:
        case 2:
        case 3:
        case 4:
          return 'one demon'

const MONSTER_LIST: LegendTableItem[] = [
  { roll: [11, 12], text: () => 'strangling vine' },
  { roll: [13, 14, 15], text: () => 'gray bear' },
  { roll: [16, 21, 22], text: () => 'nightwarg' },
  { roll: [23, 24], text: () => 'ghost' },
  { roll: [25, 26], text: () => 'ghoul' },
  { roll: [31, 32], text: () => 'skeleton' },
  { roll: [33, 34], text: () => 'restless dead' },
  { roll: [35, 36], text: () => 'wyvern' },
  { roll: [41, 42], text: () => 'harpies' },
  { roll: [43], text: () => 'minotaur' },
  { roll: [44], text: () => 'ent' },
  { roll: [45], text: () => 'abyss worm' },
  { roll: [46], text: () => 'giant squid' },
  { roll: [51], text: () => 'sea serpent' },
  { roll: [52], text: () => 'troll' },
  { roll: [53], text: () => 'death knight' },
  { roll: [54], text: () => 'insectoids' },
  { roll: [55], text: () => 'bloodling' },
  { roll: [56], text: () => 'manticore' },
  { roll: [61], text: () => 'gryphon' },
  { roll: [62], text: () => 'giant' },
  { roll: [63], text: () => 'hydra' },
  { roll: [64], text: () => 'demon' },
  { roll: [65], text: () => 'drakewyrm' },
  { roll: [66], text: () => 'dragon' },
github-actions[bot] commented 2 years ago

:tada: This issue has been resolved in version 1.1.0 :tada:

The release is available on GitHub release

Your semantic-release bot :package::rocket: