sys-bio / libOmexMeta

libOmexMeta is a library aimed at providing developer-level support for reading, writing, editing and managing semantic annotations for biosimulation models.
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Hash removal at the end of uri's #39

Closed aram148 closed 3 years ago

aram148 commented 3 years ago

It was suggested that the hash at the end of the uri's be removed.

nickerso commented 3 years ago

The # added to the model URL as part of the generated triples for, e.g., model level annotations:

CiaranWelsh commented 3 years ago

Do you have a code example that produces a triple with the trailing #?

CiaranWelsh commented 3 years ago

Do you mean, for instance:

from pyomexmeta import RDF, Editor
rdf = RDF.from_file("BIOMD0000000386.xml", "rdfxml")

The hashes after the rdf or local prefixes (which were copied directly from the omexmeta spec):

@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix bqmodel: <> .
@prefix bqbiol: <> .
@prefix semsim: <> .
@prefix OMEXlib: <> .
@prefix local: <> .
... (no other triples in this model have trailing hashes)
aram148 commented 3 years ago

Yes that's what I believe Goksel meant by the trailing hashes! Perhaps @nickerso can confirm.

nickerso commented 3 years ago

No, those namespaces are correct and require the #. This was with the model level annotations...

from pyomexmeta import RDF
rdf_graph = RDF()
cellml = """
<model xmlns="" xmlns:cmeta=""
      name="annotation_examples" cmeta:id="annExamples">
  <component name="main">
    <variable cmeta:id="main.Volume" initial_value="100" name="Volume" units="dimensionless" />
    <variable cmeta:id="main.MembraneVoltage" initial_value="-80" name="MembraneVoltage" units="dimensionless" />
    <variable cmeta:id="main.ReactionRate" initial_value="1" name="ReactionRate" units="dimensionless" />
editor = rdf_graph.to_editor(cellml, generate_new_metaids=False, sbml_semantic_extraction=False)

which gives:

@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix dc: <> .
@prefix bqbiol: <> .
@prefix NCBI_Taxon: <> .
@prefix OMEXlib: <> .
@prefix local: <> .

    bqbiol:hasTaxon <> ;
    dc:creator <> .

and its that # at the end of <> which is extraneous.