sys-bio / roadrunner

libRoadRunner: A high-performance SBML simulator
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M1 issue with steadystate #1226

Open luciansmith opened 2 weeks ago

luciansmith commented 2 weeks ago

In addition to some of the tests failing on the M1, Paul Jost also reports different results on the M1 vs. other platforms. Here's his script:

roadrunner_instance.conservedMoietyAnalysis = True
# here a call is missing where we set parameter values
                "allow_presimulation", True
# steady state output = observables + state variables
steady_state_selections = observables_ids + state_variables
roadrunner_instance.steadyStateSelections = steady_state_selections
steady_state = roadrunner_instance.getSteadyStateValuesNamedArray()

And here's the model in question: environment.xml.txt

adelhpour commented 2 weeks ago

I can confirm that we are getting different results on macOSs with apple silicon chips for this example.

luciansmith commented 2 weeks ago

@PaulJonasJost Working on this...