Closed ivomaintz closed 7 years ago
It looks like a problem with the build setup. We have conda packages, which is a much easier alternative to building from source. Here are the instructions for installing via conda
Fyi if you're still stuck on this, Matthias shared his build script here:
My system: ubuntu 16.04 amd64 self-compiled: numl 1.0.1, nleq, libsbml 5.13.0, rr-libstruct 1.3, sundials 2.6.2, poco 1.7.2, libsedml 0.4.1 cmake_options.txt cmake_log.txt buildlog.txt
Other tools and libs are nativ, and I used llvm 3.5 (llvm 3.6 didn't work)
Building and installing roadrunner worked, but if I try load the python module, I get
ImportError: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ undefined symbol: MAIN__
I added -u MAIN__ before -lf2c in $BUILDDIR/wrappers/Python/roadrunner/CMakeFiles/_roadrunner.dir/link.txt,, but this didn't help.
How could I fix this?