Open SunnyXu opened 3 years ago
Looks like our Julia bindings are working now, so I'm closing this issue. If there are still problems, feel free to re-open!
@luciansmith @adelhpour Hi, I do not think this issue is fixed. The current Julia binding is only working on windows and linux as before but only with an updated version of binary files to 2.5.0. Please refer to the source code ( It would be good if you could cross check and help fix this. Thanks.
@luciansmith , @SunnyXu is right. Julia bindings for RoadRunner were already disabled for macOS. I tried to get them working, but the problem is the dynamic library of roadrunner is not loaded properly in Julia (the problem is in llvm linkage). Some similar issues are reported, but I couldn't find any reasonable solution. So, as before, it is only available for Windows and Linux.
I am trying to use the RoadRunner binary file (libroadrunner_c_api.dylib) for Julia binding in the Mac system, there are errors showing as below. I am afraid it is from the LLVM of RoadRunner. I have tried the Antimony binary file (libantimony.dylib), it works well on Mac. In addition, roadrunner_c_api.dll (windows) and (linux) from the recent release work well with Julia too. The errors are attached below. Please use the attached package ( to reproduce the errors. Just put everything in a folder, add libroadrunner_c_api.dylib and run sbml_test.jl file in Julia.
In the previous conversation with Ciaran, it seems to be linker errors - the C api binary is looking for missing symbols in its symbol table, for example "ZN6rrllvm18LLVMModelGenerator11createModelERKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEENS1_9allocatorIcEEEEj " translates to "LLBMModelGenerator::createModel" which is in the core roadrunner library. We need to make sure that libroadrunner_c_api.dylib can find roadrunner.dylib. I have only include libroadrunner_c_api.dylib so far while have not include roadrunner.dylib or other files in the core roadrunner library. Please note that I only need one binary file for windows/linux systems.
Please let me know if you could help fix it. Thanks in advance. Sincerely, Jin