sysapps / runtime

Runtime and Security Model for Hosted Web Applications and Packaged Applications
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Change not specified references #94

Closed hollobit closed 11 years ago

hollobit commented 11 years ago

It would be good to change the reference information

--------- current text ------- [ECMAScript-MIME] Reference not found. [HTML-MIME] Reference not found.

[JSON] Reference not found. [MIME] Reference not found.

[SNIFF] Reference not found. [URL] Reference not found.

--------- Proposed change -------

[ECMAScript-MIME] B. Hoehrmann, Scripting Media Types, April 2006, Internet RFC 4329. URL: [HTML-MIME] D. Connolly; L. Masinter, The 'text/html' Media Type, June 2000, Internet RFC 2854. URL:

[JSON] D. Crockford. The application/json Media Type for JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) (RFC 4627). July 2006. RFC. URL: [MIME] MIME is specified in six RFC: RFC 2045, RFC 2046, RFC 2047, RFC 4288, RFC 4289 and RFC 2049, which together define the specifications.

[SNIFF] A. Barth; I. Hickson, Media Type Sniffing, IETF (Work in Progress). URI: [URL] T. Berners-Lee; L. Masinter; M. McCahill, Uniform Resource Locators (URL), December 1994, Internet RFC 1738. URI :

marcoscaceres commented 11 years ago

Moving to