syscl / Fix-usb-sleep

Fix issue of "Diks not ejected properly upon sleep" on macOS
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开启此脚本以后会有一个cat占用CPU比较高 #4

Closed ypwhs closed 7 years ago

ypwhs commented 8 years ago

image image


ypwhs commented 8 years ago


syscl commented 8 years ago

@ypwhs 感谢你的反馈, 能提供一下你执行这个脚本的截图吗, 因为这个脚本结束之后就退出了, 不应该会出现这样的情况啊, 所以需要你的进一步反馈 :)

Thanks for your feedback, please provide the screenshot after executing the script. Since, once the fix-usb-sleep has been finished, it will quit. So I need your further feedback :)


ypwhs commented 8 years ago

image 之前有输出值,但是现在执行的时候已经没有输出了,cat进程仍然以将近100%的占用率在运行。

syscl commented 8 years ago

@ypwhs 这个终端好奇怪 我的执行也不是这种样子输出的.


./ -d

@ypwhs It seems that your terminate is not the default bash in OS X, and the output of my script is not the same as your screenshot post here.

try to use debug mode to see what's going on

./ -d


ypwhs commented 8 years ago

image 在调试模式需要输入管理员密码,不过似乎有一些错误信息,之后可以正常退出。 在普通模式下依旧卡在cat上出不来。

另外尝试了zsh ./,是可以退出的,但是sh,bash之类的都不行,不知道这个信息是否有用。

syscl commented 8 years ago

@ypwhs 有用, 这个问题我在M3800最近的更新中也遇到了, 肯定是我有改动导致bug了, 我会尝试修复的.


@ypwhs Thks, really valuable information. The same issue occurs on the recent update of my M3800 project, so I have to try to figure out what's wrong with the latest update.

Again, thanks for your feedback;) syscl

syscl commented 8 years ago

@ypwhs 尝试新的脚本;) 我已经修复了.

@ypwhs Try the latest script of;), I have fixed the issue.
