I am unable to boot a working install or even a vanilla install disk using the provided clover. Lilu seems to be the problem, but even using -liluoff doesn't work. I've attached a photo I took of my screen, please let me know if anymore info is needed to solve the issue. Thanks
Hey man, I've been on this repo for awhile, always reading other's solutions, but heres what worked for me.
I also used the Lilu.kext file (version 1.2.2), but in Clover,
I set my MacBook Pro version to MacBookPro13,1 in Clover
Then building a config.plist with new Serials/UUID after booting,
Then running deploy.sh.
Alternatively, you could set your starting point to ZombieTheBest's Repo then go from there, his configuration worked best for me with High Sierra, but Syscl's worked best for me using 10.12.
[Always remember to replace VoodooPS2Controller back into your kexts folder after deploy.sh]
I am unable to boot a working install or even a vanilla install disk using the provided clover. Lilu seems to be the problem, but even using -liluoff doesn't work. I've attached a photo I took of my screen, please let me know if anymore info is needed to solve the issue. Thanks