sysdiglabs / sysdig-operator

Sysdig agent Operator configure Sysdig platform in your Kubernetes cluster
Apache License 2.0
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Chart Value "image.Override" returning error when deploying operator in OpenShift Cluster #109

Open marbcGH opened 1 year ago

marbcGH commented 1 year ago

Hello. When navigating to Openshift>Operators and then selecting the "SysDig Operator" to install. The installation seems to do just fine. But i notice when I navigate to the operator and SysDig Agent attached. It is showing "Chart value "image.Override" overriden by "watches.yaml".

How can this be resolved? I attempted a manual install to the cluster but that also did not work as it complained about an "unsupported OS". The route I would like to take here is simply selecting the Operator within OpenShift and having the SysDig Agent spin up correctly. Attached is a screenshot.

Potential steps to mitigation..

Locate the watches.yaml file: Identify the location of the watches.yaml file in your project or deployment. This file is typically used to define watches or triggers for the operator to perform certain actions based on specific events.

Check the watches.yaml file: Open the watches.yaml file and review its contents. Look for any entries related to the "image.overrideValue" or the chart that you are working with.

Adjust the watches.yaml configuration: Modify the watches.yaml file to ensure that it aligns with your desired configuration. If you want to use a specific value for "image.overrideValue" defined within your chart, ensure that the watches.yaml file does not override or conflict with it.

Update the operator: Apply the changes you made to the watches.yaml file to the operator or the deployment that is using it. Depending on the context, you may need to redeploy or restart the operator to apply the updated configuration.
