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OpenVAS vulnerability scan causes ProxySQL 2.0.0-rc2 crash #1846

Open unki opened 5 years ago

unki commented 5 years ago


I have the situation where a vulnerability scan with OpenVAS (latest version) takes down a ProxySQL instance - approx. in 33% of my attempts.

Side note: I've installed proxysql-rc2_2.0.0-debian9_amd64.deb on a Debian Stretch (kernel 4.9.0-8-amd64) installation, but proxysql --version still identifies itself as a rc1.

ProxySQL rev. v2.0.0-rc1-17-g832aa48 -- Fri Sep 21 12:59:27 2018
Copyright (C) 2013-2018 ProxySQL LLC
This program is free and without warranty

What happens is that ProxySQL records a crash in proxysql.log and then seems to automatically restart - but claims being unable to bind to port 6032/tcp again:

Error: signal 11:
2019-01-06 04:37:45 main.cpp:1297:ProxySQL_daemonize_phase3(): [ERROR] ProxySQL crashed. Restarting!
2019-01-06 04:37:45 [INFO] Angel process started ProxySQL process 26736
Standard ProxySQL Cluster rev. 0.4.0906 -- ProxySQL_Cluster.cpp -- Sat Sep 29 20:31:06 2018
Standard ProxySQL Statistics rev. 1.4.1027 -- ProxySQL_Statistics.cpp -- Tue Jun 26 15:14:16 2018
Standard ProxySQL HTTP Server Handler rev. 1.4.1031 -- ProxySQL_HTTP_Server.cpp -- Tue Jun 26 15:14:16 2018
Standard ProxySQL Admin rev. 0.2.0902 -- ProxySQL_Admin.cpp -- Sat Sep 29 20:31:06 2018
Standard MySQL Threads Handler rev. 0.2.0902 -- MySQL_Thread.cpp -- Sat Sep 29 20:31:06 2018
Standard MySQL Authentication rev. 0.2.0902 -- MySQL_Authentication.cpp -- Fri Sep 21 12:59:27 2018
.... (some mysql_* table dumps) ...
2019-01-06 04:37:45 [INFO] Loading Galera info for (1,3,2,4,on,1,1,0,"")
Standard Query Processor rev. 0.4.0926 -- Query_Processor.cpp -- Sat Sep 29 20:31:06 2018
In memory Standard Query Cache (SQC) rev. 1.2.0905 -- Query_Cache.cpp -- Fri Sep 21 12:59:27 2018
2019-01-06 04:37:45 network.cpp:53:listen_on_port(): [ERROR] bind(): Address already in use
Standard MySQL Monitor (StdMyMon) rev. 1.2.0723 -- MySQL_Monitor.cpp -- Fri Sep 21 12:59:27 2018
2019-01-06 04:37:47 MySQL_HostGroups_Manager.cpp:3991:update_galera_set_writer(): [WARNING] Galera: setting host as writer

The reason for not being able to bind on 6032/tcp seems to be leftover processes after the ProxySQL restart

26667 ?        S      0:00 /bin/bash /usr/share/proxysql/tools/ 1 2 1 1 /var/lib/proxysql/proxysql_galera_checker.log
26758 ?        S      0:00 /bin/bash /usr/share/proxysql/tools/ 1 2 1 1 /var/lib/proxysql/proxysql_galera_checker.log

Those have actually invoked a MariaDB client process that is also hanging around after the ProxySQL restart:

26759 ?        S      0:00 mysql -uadmin -h localhost -P 6032 --protocol=tcp -Nse SELECT count(*) FROM mysql_servers WHERE hostgroup_id IN (2) AND status = 'ONLINE'

And the fun fact is, that this MariaDB client process is suddenly listening on port 6032 after the crash - and also on 33306/tcp which is the listen_port I'm using.

root@lb3 /var/lib/proxysql # lsof | grep -i 26759 | grep -i listen
mysql     26759                      root   25u     IPv4         1806402292       0t0        TCP *:33306 (LISTEN)
mysql     26759                      root   26u     IPv4         1806402293       0t0        TCP *:33306 (LISTEN)
mysql     26759                      root   27u     IPv4         1806402294       0t0        TCP *:33306 (LISTEN)
mysql     26759                      root   28u     IPv4         1806402295       0t0        TCP *:33306 (LISTEN)
mysql     26759                      root   35u     IPv4         1806408288       0t0        TCP *:6032 (LISTEN)

So it seems, in case of a crash, the and with it the MariaDB client have somehow obtained the listening ports from the crashing ProxySQL instance.

So basically there are two issues:

I know How-to-report-a-crash-bug - but do you need anything else beside what is mentioned there?

Regards, Andreas

renecannao commented 5 years ago

Hi Andreas,

Thank you for the report. The second issue is likely to be resolved already. I am not familiar with OpenVAS: can you help us with a quick step-by-step reproducible case?


unki commented 5 years ago

Hi René,

You could do it with the virtual-appliance that OpenVAS is offering here.

These are the ProxySQL settings that I've modified:

| admin-mysql_ifaces       |;/tmp/proxysql_admin.sock     |
| admin-web_enabled        | true                                      |
| mysql-have_ssl           | true                                      |
| mysql-interfaces         |;/tmp/proxysql.sock          |
| mysql-max_allowed_packet | 16777216                                  |
| mysql-max_connections    | 5000                                      |
| mysql-monitor_password   | xxxxxx          |
| mysql-monitor_username   | monitor                          |
| mysql-ssl_p2s_ca         | /etc/ssl/  |
| mysql-ssl_p2s_cert       | /etc/ssl/lb3.example.com_crt.pem         |
| mysql-ssl_p2s_key        | /etc/ssl/private/lb3.example.com_key.pem |